Sunday, June 23, 2013


Weekends are days where you have ownership of your whole 24hrs, at least for me. I do not have to wake up to the alarm clock and follow my weekday routine from 7am to 7pm only then to spend the next 5hrs de-stressing for bedtime. I wake up as I want to and do what I feel like.

But I guess that I have not been putting my weekends to good use. I spend too much time in bed and in front of the tv. Yes, I rest my old body and gave my brain a break but resulted in becoming more lethargic when Monday comes. So, what should I be doing then? If I draw up a timetable will I follow? If I follow will I enjoy?

Perhaps I should come up with a list of to-dos for my remaining 20+ weekends...

What do I want? ???

2 cups of teh-cino penz at 11pm is not an ideal way of spending Saturday night

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