Friday, November 30, 2012

To make this happen..

Was reading the blog of this korean lady 'Runaway Juno' who has make travelling her career. I could relate to her pretty much. The parts where she explains herself, to try to make sense of her quitting her job, going against her parents wishes, living for yourself and the courage to stop being a coward. She also talk bout how being a solo traveller felt, the inconvenience and the fun parts as well.

Yup. I am still a coward. Unwilling to let go of security, imagining that the world (at least my parents' world) will stop spinning if i am not around, waiting for someone to appear and drag me out of this silly race to earn more money. Seriously. Banking?? What am i doing here? I am not one who enjoy applying thick layers of makeup, stride in killer heels, carrying branded bags, talk about the latest manicures/pedicures designs. Sometimes, listening to my colleagues talk on about fashion just makes me zone out and imagine myself in my next travel destination, sitting by the river, sipping my cold drink, reading my book or staring into the blue skies, just chilling.

All i am interested to know is, how to make money while on the move? How to earn sufficient to substain my travelling expenses. Travel blogs? Travel and work? Work intensively for three quarters of the year and travel the remaining? What will be the best plans for me? I need to think about it and convince the heart or mind to follow through. I need to be strong and i am doing this alone. Its my time, my joy, my dreams, my happiness.

When will i make my first step? Someday, oneday, when i am ready, when there are no strings pulling me back, i will.

Everything will be even more perfect if Darcy has a passport.

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