Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Bad bad bad day..

In a soccer match, you did all the warm up, participated in the practices, in short, prepared for the ball to be in your court. During the last min, the ball came. You did your best to protect it and to bring it safely to meters from the goalpost.

You looked at your manager waiting for instructions, he said to pass it to your next in line and everything will be fine. You had your suspicions but still go ahead. The next in line ask if this is alright and will we be issued a yellow card. You gave the assurance that everything will be fine. This assurance was captured on video. He shoot and the refee issued you the yellow card.

The manager tried to tell the media that instructions were from him but his managers are holding him back. Because he is on the track to a promotion. You, already a soon to be retired soccer player agreed to let things go.


HJ said...

end of the day give them the middle finger lah!

Ting said...

I wish I could.