Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Life, work, money

Went to the temple this noon to pray for better work and money luck. Came home and told mum.

She asked 'that's all?'
I asked 'what else shld I ask for?'
She said 'ask for a bf lar'
I said 'I'm too stress over money issues to want a bf now. All I want is to know how to make more money.'

Why? Why have I become like this?

I would have quitted my job already if not for money.
I would be touring the world if not for money.
I would be doing the things I enjoy if not for money.

This was not how I see myself to be when I was younger.

When will I 放得下,看得开?
It's not easy. And I know its not impossibly hard. I just need to have the courage. Or just pure desperate-ness.

Save me, lead me out of this black box.

posted from Bloggeroid

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