Thursday, May 03, 2012

Day 5 Back to Saigon

Took the sleeper bus at 1.30am last night. Waited by the main road alone for 20mins and was starting to freak out. Then I saw buses coming and stopping by the 24hrs convenient shop 100m down the road. I quickly dash there but it was not my bus! There were 3 young boys sitting outside the shop and luckily one can speak English and he asked me to sit and wait. The bus normally arrived at 2am. True to his.words, the bus magically appeared. I was ushered to my bed and it was a pleasant sleep-ride back but had a stiff neck when I woke up. My size fits the bed well and I could still curl up in my fav position. Nice!

Woke to the the sun rising from the buildings and I guess I'm not far from reaching my destination.

Arrive back in Hcmc at 6.15am, walked to hotel and asked if I can do an extremely early check in. But I was politely refused but I could get a room if I pay 20usd which is the half day charge. I choose to go roam the streets after leaving my bag there.

Then I walked, thinking of finding a cafe to waste my 2hrs but most shops were not opened and I wasn't hungry to want breakfast and one step or another, my feet brought me to the park.

I see younger aunties doing the aerobics to fastbeat Christmas songs, older generations exercising with metal rods and old couples doing the sambal, waltz, tango and watsnot.

Wow. All these under 1 park. With the rain trees leaves falling with every breeze. This is life!

Finally, stomach started growling so I went back to Trung Nguyen for coffee and crab vermicelli. Yums!

Drinking from the other cup. Haha..

Right. Bout time to call for bill and head back to the hotel to meet the youngest Tan. Wonder when will the oldest Tan comes travelling with us. Wondering...

posted from Bloggeroid

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i m only the older tan.. nt the oldest wo.. hahahaha...

SOON!!!! 我要重出江湖了!!