Thursday, May 31, 2012

Last day of the mth to first day of the month

I need to go for a holiday or quit my job.

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Sunday, May 27, 2012


While in secondary school, I always wonder if 10yrs down the road, my friends and I will still stay in contact. Will we be like those 大姐姐 and 大哥哥 gathering at Starbucks and laughing with one another. Starbucks was a privilege once upon a time, drinking at Starbucks was somehow a confirmation of status then. Financially stable, with good friends around, I guess that was my definition of giving thanks.

Secondary school life is my favourite phase in life. Nothing to worry bout and O's wasn't as scary as other exams down the road. Friends were easy to make and everyone was still naive. Some with big dreams some with none. All we want was to have fun while it last. We were self centered kids who belong in a world of our own, being a nuisance at times yet still obeying the rules. My friends were all 'guai kias' and luckily I wasn't lead astray. Some were very stubborn with their beliefs while some just go with the flow. In all, these friends made me want to stay friends with them 10yrs down the road.

More than 10yrs later, thank god I'm still in contact with most of them. With meet ups and easily recognise by the friends' family members on the street, I guess, this are the confirmations of our friendships.

Watching this Korean drama 爱情雨, another romantic- comedy, it got me asking for more.

Will we, another 10yrs down the road still gather with our spouse and kids and have a wonderful time together?

Am I asking for too much this time?

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Saturday, May 26, 2012

6th lesson


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Monday, May 21, 2012

It's here again...

The urge to quit

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Saturday, May 19, 2012

5th lesson

Indeed, it looks nicer in photo.

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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Magnum saves the day.

After an extremely shitty day at work, all I can think of is magmun. Even knowing that I only have $40 budget to last me for a week more is not enough to deter me from buying that box of 4 magmuns at $14.50. This is how shitty my day was. The splurg was a wise decision.

My parents and I are magmun lovers and when it comes to magmun, they will not give in. It's everyone for themselves. So being the generous daughter that I am, I 赏 them a magmun each. But I made it clear to them that the forth is mine and it better stay where it is when I come back tmr.

While devouring our magmun, I told dad of tt crappy colleague and the shit he is giving. Dad offered to go beat him up. Den I said I think need to kill him else I will be the dead one due to heart failure. So dad suggested employing some FT to chop his arm off. Haha.. This is how gettin high on magmun is. We do not need to sniff glue, just give us magnums....!!

She said: I'm just a girl, standing infront of a boy, asking him to love her

I say: I'm just a girl, 只想混口饭吃,你就放过我吧!


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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

You know its time...

When ur friend of almost 20yrs said:
'I think maybe... its time for you to lose some weight.'

And she even quote supporting evidences like the reason I fell down is due to heavy legs.

Sigh.. Yah. It's time...
Time for me to go backpackg in China ALONE. I tend to lose weight, so this will works!

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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Just thinking..

DO feel strongly FOR something/one

But try NOT to feel strongly AGAINST something/one.

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Saturday, May 12, 2012

Friday, May 11, 2012

Cost of 7days6nites in HCMC + Mui Ne

Jetstar Airtic - SGD73
Insurance - SGD35

Hotel - USD105+40= USD145
Bus - 120,000Dong+USD15+USD12
Massage - USD46+10= USD56
Food+Drinks= Lost count
Total cash spent=3,060,000Dong+USD219


I changed SGD840 to USD&Dong. Only SGD450 was to be spent and I did just that, overshoot by SGD9 thou.

Moments to remember:
Wearing pj to catch the sunrise at the dining area + dipping into the empty pool at 3pm + gg back to sleep after waking up early for breakfast + cozy armchairs infront of the tv with delicious pizza and sweet red dragonfruit = Priceless!!

I know I will be back someday..

Fx: 1 SGD - 16,500Dong - 1.248USD

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On the train back and I saw this guy taking out Pride and Prejudice to read. I was amazed and pleasantly surprise to see that because seldom will you see a male species tt book.

1,2 stations down, 1 page over, I see that guy nodding over. Another 1 station and he woke up, kept his book and went to lala land.

Now I know why he's reading tt book.

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Thursday, May 10, 2012

In need of a drink...

I need a holiday!

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Wednesday, May 09, 2012


I just found out that being vocal is deem as complaining.

All along, I thought that being vocal means to express my interests, my concerns and not just on complaining about work. But somehow the boss sees me as someone who is vocal and has a lot of complaints. I tried explaining that I used to be very quiet and ended up not getting what I work. But somehow I feel that it had fallen on deaf ears. I thought after changing 5 bosses in 5 years, this will be the best boss to work with but seem like others have beat me to it and have been feeding him opinions of their own.

If you try to stand up for yourself and not follow the rest, you are deem as a problem kid. Is it like this everywhere else? They claim that they welcome new ideas, creative suggestions, but in the end they just want to build up a nest of bees.

The longer I stay, the more politics I see. One AVP said that it is a very closely knited group, for those in that group. Others, what will come will come.

I want movement within the bank!

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Monday, May 07, 2012

Friday, May 04, 2012

Day 6 - moments to remember

My right feet landed in-between 2 stone step and I landed on my butt thinking I had twisted my ankle but it was alright. Just that the more I rest, the more stiff it becomes.

15 mins later, the right feet slip on a slight slope and I fell and landed on my left knee.

This suanness combo is not good. I miss my dad.

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Thursday, May 03, 2012

Day 5 Back to Saigon

Took the sleeper bus at 1.30am last night. Waited by the main road alone for 20mins and was starting to freak out. Then I saw buses coming and stopping by the 24hrs convenient shop 100m down the road. I quickly dash there but it was not my bus! There were 3 young boys sitting outside the shop and luckily one can speak English and he asked me to sit and wait. The bus normally arrived at 2am. True to his.words, the bus magically appeared. I was ushered to my bed and it was a pleasant sleep-ride back but had a stiff neck when I woke up. My size fits the bed well and I could still curl up in my fav position. Nice!

Woke to the the sun rising from the buildings and I guess I'm not far from reaching my destination.

Arrive back in Hcmc at 6.15am, walked to hotel and asked if I can do an extremely early check in. But I was politely refused but I could get a room if I pay 20usd which is the half day charge. I choose to go roam the streets after leaving my bag there.

Then I walked, thinking of finding a cafe to waste my 2hrs but most shops were not opened and I wasn't hungry to want breakfast and one step or another, my feet brought me to the park.

I see younger aunties doing the aerobics to fastbeat Christmas songs, older generations exercising with metal rods and old couples doing the sambal, waltz, tango and watsnot.

Wow. All these under 1 park. With the rain trees leaves falling with every breeze. This is life!

Finally, stomach started growling so I went back to Trung Nguyen for coffee and crab vermicelli. Yums!

Drinking from the other cup. Haha..

Right. Bout time to call for bill and head back to the hotel to meet the youngest Tan. Wonder when will the oldest Tan comes travelling with us. Wondering...

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Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Day 4 @ mui ne


Woke up at 4pm to catch the sunrise at the white sand dunes then went to the red sand dunes, fishing village and fairy stream. Cost USD15 each and lasted for almost 4hrs. The transport was a jeep which was rather cool.

Being someone who absolutely hates going upslope or climb stairs, I feel so proud of myself for choosing the manual way of gg up the dunes instead of paying for the ATV. Just that the legs are kinda sore now.

Went back, had lunch and thought life couldn't be better. This is the kinda life I like. I feel so spoilt.

Went for another dip in e pool, then wait for water to evaporate off my body, shower and nap. The bed seems to become harder and I can feel the springs poking into me and I started missing my bed. Woke up feeling feverish and started drowning myself as recommend. Had some fruits and went back to rest till dinner. Dine in, pay my bills and waiting for my sleeper bus @ 1.30am.

I like gg to small scale accomodation where you know who the owner is. There will be lesser guests, a different feel, I won't say more homey, better service, better facilities etc as it still depends on each individual accomodation. But I like that it is unique in its own way.
For me, what I look for is a good pool, clean rooms, good views, good location, reasonable prices and I'm satisfied.

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Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Day 2 part 2 + Day 3

Went to have a soak in the pool then found a shaded area and waited for the gentle breeze to dry the water off me while enjoying the view of the sea from far away.

This lady from China, studying PHD in NUS came to talk to me. Her travel buddy and her could not get along too well and they decided to 各玩各的 so we made plans for dinner at 5.30pm.

We went for a walk along the long streets of mui ne and saw this cart selling bbq springroll at 10k dong to Asian travellers and 15k dong to ang mos. (This is partly why I enjoy travelling in Asia! You know you are being treated like a carrot sometimes but you know there are bigger carrots than you.)

The springroll is yummy! It's crispy with fresh veggis, eggs, ham and some sourish sauce and the combination is good! Shall try that at home.

Then we walk somemore, decided on a restaurant and had dinner. I had a beef and mango fried rice. It's actually fried rice with green mango cube sprinkled on it and a slice of beef which is rather tough. But the mango and fried rice is good! It's a diff kind of experience altogether. Shall try that at home too.

After dinner, we walked back, chat at the open area then I went back at 10pm, shower and sleep at 12pm after watching No strings attached for 2 nights in a row.

Day 3
Woke up at 5.30am, glance outside thru blurry eyes and conclude its not worthy to leave my bed. Carry on sleeping and woke at at 9am. But still feel tired. Went for breakfast and saw tt lady and we made plans to visit the golf course 2-3km down the road later at 12pm. I realise I still do not know her name yet.

Took a cab to sealink resort, 70k dong. I saw a big piece of land dotted with villas and resorts, swimming pools, 18 holes golf course and only Asians. Chinese, Vietnamese and Koreans. I went from a ang mos environment to a Asian environment. It was a eye opener. Really. We initially had plans to find a cafe and have lunch in the end they only have a posh restaurant which we left and went back to bamboo village where I had lunch yesterday.

Went back, had a dip, baked in the shade, bath and nua in the room till dinner and decided to order dinner to eat in my room.

This is life! My life! At least for a few days.

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