Saturday, April 14, 2012

Welcoming my weekends with open arms.

It seems like last sat & sun were just here. Now, its another sat & sun. This is good in a way. At least I won't dread going to work that much. To be honest, its petty contradicting. Mixed feelings on gg to work.

I dread waking up every morning at 5am for my early shift, but once I am at my workplace, doing my macros, befriending VBA and Google, work doesn't sounds so bad. Spending 8-10hrs a day staring at my 2 screens, coaxing the macros to do what I want, escaping BAU, is rather enjoying. Just that as this is individual work rather than teamwork, hence minimal interaction and communication with the teammates. *Mouth Smelly* But good in the sense that less interaction means less chances for disagreement.

posted from Bloggeroid

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