Monday, April 30, 2012

Day 2 Mui Ne

Woke up at 11.30am, prepared and left for the beach at 12pm. Walked from one resort to the next and it was so hot like I'm in a sanur room consistently. I couldnt take it anymore hence went into bamboo resort, get a table and ordered a passionfruit smootie and a squid with salted eggs.

The waitress came back to double confirm my order, asking me if I want rice and I said no again. I was thinkin of having it as a sticky appetizers. It came served with rice which I was thankful for because it taste awesome with rice. I think they spam on the salt else their salted eggs are really salty. Yum.

Sat there and watched the kite-sailing learners and decided I should save on my 300usd n spend it on diving in bali next time. It was so freaking hot and I will need to be in the sun for 6 hours over a period of 2-3 days. Goodness. I will come back to SG, a burnt girl. But it, just that too hot. And it actually looks rather hard.

Maybe when I have found a khakis to learn with.. :)

Bought a red dragonfruit and a big bottle of water and walked back to my accomodation. Sat at the common area to enjoy the breeze.

I realise I blog a lot when I travel alone... which is actually good in a way.

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你要一起吃炒饭吗? Means do you wana have sex? - frm e Aussie

身体和心灵,何时其中一个都要在放假。- frm the prc

Woke up this morning at 5.30 to catch the sunrise and chatted with this Aussie who was sleeping by the poolside due to unforeseen circumstances, then with the security guard, he in viet me in guess and Google translate, then with this guy from beijing in mandarin.

The sunrise

Blue skies

Now, I'm gg to bed.

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Day 1 SG-HCMC-Mui NE

Left the house at 5.50am, reach the airport in 20mins time, check in walk around and got ready to board the plane at 7am.

'We are pleased to inform you that we have arrived at Saigon international airport 5mins before schedule, ... pleasant temperature of 29 degrees' as announced by the delightful captain pilot.

HCMC is 1hr behind our time, making it 8.20am when I arrived and 8.40am when I pass thru the customs. Walked out, turn right, look for bus 152, get change for bus ride(4000dong) by buying a bottle of mineral water(40,000dong-Omg). Waited for bus to depart and 20mins later, I am in the city. The bus was surprisingly empty, less than 10 passengers in all. Talked to this nice malay couple from SG who are visiting Hcmc for a day.

Took a while to buy the bus ticket as the first 2 shops quoted 12usd while the last quote 12,000(7.40sgd). Yeah! Save money! Hope the bus is good. The bus will depart at 3pm and reach Mui Ne around 8-9pm. I hope I won't get lost.

Wanted to walk around for a while before finding a nice cafe for coffee n food but it was too humid and dusty and my 7kg bag started feeling heavy. Finally choose the famous Trung Nguyen coffee over Highlands coffee. Ordered a bowl of dry vermicelli and ice blended coffee and log on to their free Wifi.

Feeling sleepy after the food and its only 10.30am. What am I going to do till 2.45pm?

Went to walk around at 11am till 1pm. It was so humid but Damn good training for my shoulders. Was sitting in the park then I feel that something is not right. The skies look darker and I think its best that I make a move. I walked to Highlands coffee and decided to plant my butt here, hoping to watch the storm. Who knows, as quick as it started, the drizzle stop and I see blue skies ahead.

While sitting in the park I saw this Asian tourist(cause he has a Damn big dslr, complete with zoom lens and lens hood) wearing a straw hat walking over and past me. I only wondered at his camera. But after I walked past him, he was sitting further down from me and had remove his straw hat, Wah.. I think his bun up hair is Damn cool. Haa. New likes!

Crossing the road doesn't seem that scary anymore. It's the first step that's always the hardest but once you have put your best foot forward, just look straight and move at a constant speed.

The ppl here seem way nicer than Hanoi. Less aggressive and more helpful as well. In fact, most of the cyclon drivers tried speaking mandarin with me.

Note to self: when asked if I can speak Cantonese, reply no instead of a little because, truth is, I can't speak and can only understand certain phases.

Board the 3pm bus and arrived in Mui ne at close to 10pm due to the heavy traffic as it is the long weekend for Vietnam and China. I was exhausted, dusty, sticky and hungry.

Check in to mui ne hills 1, ordered dinner and unpack.

Dinner came half an hour later with ants,big and small. My goodness. I had just a banana in the end.

Shower, and in bed by 11.30pm.

First day in Hcmc, exhausted. Can I wake up for sunrise tmr?

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Sunday, April 29, 2012


See u soon.

I'm just refusing to board..

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Thursday, April 26, 2012


I think I might be a tad bit over-reacting.

1 more working day to go..

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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Just for thoughts..


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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Monday, April 23, 2012


Excluding my classes, I spent $600 on food, shopping and grocery over the last 4wks.

It was tough, very tough having to control my spending. But at the end of the month, it felt worth it, thou I'm not seeing any effect yet. Haha.

Thanks to those who treated me to dinner or lunch. 感激!

Let's see if I can last for another month.

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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Bliss is...

Finishing the macros that you have been working on for the past 1 week and getting ready to start on a new one.

Leaving the office at 5pm and once out of the building, you feel the gentle embrace of the evening sun accompanied by the tropical breeze with a pinch of sea saltiness in the air. Looking up, the pale blue skies and whispy clouds meet the eyes.


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Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Excited! Not by the hotel room but by the cheap rates! I'm a Damn cheapscate. I know!

100sgd for 2 nights stay in a 2 stars SUITE room. I know I'm overindulging.

Running on my last few drops of petrol. Unsure if I can function for another 1.5wks more. Finding it harder to breath. Get me out!

All I'm asking for is a quiet and easy going 1.5weeks.

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Saturday, April 14, 2012

3rd lesson

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Welcoming my weekends with open arms.

It seems like last sat & sun were just here. Now, its another sat & sun. This is good in a way. At least I won't dread going to work that much. To be honest, its petty contradicting. Mixed feelings on gg to work.

I dread waking up every morning at 5am for my early shift, but once I am at my workplace, doing my macros, befriending VBA and Google, work doesn't sounds so bad. Spending 8-10hrs a day staring at my 2 screens, coaxing the macros to do what I want, escaping BAU, is rather enjoying. Just that as this is individual work rather than teamwork, hence minimal interaction and communication with the teammates. *Mouth Smelly* But good in the sense that less interaction means less chances for disagreement.

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Monday, April 09, 2012

After nearly 30years, 老爸终于开口了!





我: 除非我随便找一个没出息的。。

老爸:不可以! (紧张起来了。) 不可以随便找。

我:好。如果真的象你说的,你们般来和我住,照顾孩子。我的未来家公家婆也会不高兴,心想'为什么我的儿子的家是他老婆的父母在住?' 然后就会为难我,我不开心然后就离婚,就般回来和你们住,到时不就是赔钱货吗? 不行。

Darcy: woof WOOF WOOF
(My Interpretation: I agree!
Dad's interpretation: Wat about me? Where am I going to stay?)

Now, I'm starting to feel the pressure. Shuxks.

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Sunday, April 08, 2012

"You don't look your age.."

Sometimes I wonder, is it because of my dressing, my behaviour, the ppl I hang around that makes ppl underguess my age? Or am I doing a good job with my daily skin routine?

How shld someone close to 30yo behave?

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2nd lesson

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Saturday, April 07, 2012


看着树叶跳起了小舞,呼吸那雨的芳香,为什么还没心静的感觉? 是咖啡喝太多了吗?

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Monday, April 02, 2012

It's April already!!

27 more days to go! Seriously can't wait!

Gotta admit that Q1 has indeed flew by. What have I done and what have I accomplish? Most of my resols.... not met! Haha. Think I need to sit down, facing the wall and think of what I really want instead of toying with one idea after another.

Anyway, here it comes..

Resolutions for March 2012

1. Start my tuition. (Failed)
2. Spend only $600, ie $100 per week for food and leisure. (haha. Failed!)
3. Not travel in March but can buy airtic for after Mar. (done!)
4. Swim twice, climb twice, walk once. (failed, pass, half)
5. Go for tango! (failed)
6. Strike 4D? (haiz...)

So, how about resols for April.

1. Spend less than $600 (exc classes).
2. Go for all my 4 lessons.
3. Swim twice, climb and walk twice.
4. Decide on S.Korea or Sichuan.

That's all I guess.

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