Friday, February 03, 2012


Been told that I'm aloof and cold like a glacier when I meet new people resulting in turning any new potentials away.

Really? I didn't realised that. But the thing is, how can I act all warm and bubbly to people I barely know. It will be alright if they are single but not so if they are taken because they will think that I'm trying to hit on them.

I had experiences with guy friends, ppl I already know, who tried to drop me hints that 我们只是朋友 when they are attached. Arggg... with all those previous experiences, how do you expect me to be overally nice and friendly towards ppl I have just met. I will not want a repeat telecast of the same issue over and over again.

Hence, I learn to only keep my guard low with guys who I know will not drop bombs like those. With them, I can be myself, I can disturb them and laugh with them, converse and debate with them and not have to think if Im too over or have to control my words and actions in case I'm sending the wrong msg. I can look them in the eyes and stare at them and not have to avert my glances in case they think I am deeply in love with them.

I just want to be me.

posted from Bloggeroid

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