Wednesday, February 29, 2012

My 7th Leap year

Boy, if I ask you out for a date today, you cannot reject.

But boy, where the hell are you?!

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Thursday, February 23, 2012




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Wednesday, February 22, 2012




从冷若冰箱的脸变得和蔼可亲是因为秤子们知道不先主动, 就不会得到任何的朋友.因此,秤子学会了社交要别人对自己好,就先对别人好.所以,本来任性,情绪化的天秤为此而忍耐为此而配合.想得到的,只是别人得一句称赞, 一个问好.

常常陷入左右为难的困境也是因为朋友的一句怀疑一句不爽. 为了朋友,而改变自己的原则对秤子而言,也是家常便饭一顿.改变对秤子而言,是多么痛苦的一件事. 但,为了朋友,我们都算了.

朋友的出卖,为难就算多么的不爽,我们也只懂得忍. 但到头来,得到的却是一次又一次的伤害

秤子们, 你们到底为了什么要忍耐别人?为了别人而改变自己?其实,这真的是不值得. 为何就不对自己好点妮?

爱情.天秤都是花心的一群? 不是的天秤一点都不花心. 只是有时真的不忍心拒绝别人. 若拒绝了,可能朋友都没得作. 接受了,勉强也是没幸福的

结论?能拖就拖. 拖久了就便暧昧了.






天秤很容易喜欢上一个人.想放真心去爱但往往会得到反效果. 对方的一次,再次的冷淡我们绝望了只需要一次,我们就会把心拿回来别怪天秤。



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When I first read this half a year ago, I got a slight wake up call. This is me. This is also me which I do not like as much. I do not want to be like this, hence I told myself to watch it and change. I do not want to be a hypocrite to myself anymore. I want to value myself more than others and I want to stop thinking for others and how they will feel. I want to be selfish and think just for myself. I want to stop telling people I'm okay when I'm actually not after what they have done to hurt me.

This was also what pushes me to my yunnan trip, to live for myself only. This taught me to say no and stand firm. This let me know who I think my real friends are.

If you have seen me throw tantrum, act unreasonable, sleepy/lazy, you are an old friend of mine. If I have been crude,mean and difficult to you and still stay friends with you, your someone who matters still. If I had scream(screaming and being fierce are 2 different matters) at you, your on the top of my list(other than my parents and Darcy, is there anyone else?). If your non of the above, we are just 2 human on this planet.

This is the whole story (copied from fb)..








xx - what I can relates to.

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Taxi uncles..

Have I mentioned that I enjoyed speaking with the taxi uncles?

They have a great source of information within them and what you can get off them is not like anything you can read off the newspaper.

Tonight, the topic was on FT. Normally, FT will be referring to those from North of SG aka China but today, we touch on those from NE of SG aka philippines and NW of SG aka India.

Because the uncles have first hand experience with them, they are in a better position to judge and comment. The uncle tonight seems like a rather unbiased and soft spoken man but when it comes to those from the service line and IT field, he sure gets agitated.

Let's just hope that what he hopes for come true.

But when that happens, who will fill up the vacancies?

The uncle also commented that its very unfair for our generation and those younger. We have to study so hard to get a degree and yet it will still be difficult to find a job after that. Then we are caught in the rat race to see who can have a better standard of living.

Our parents and grandparents all contributed to the development of Singapore, hoping for a better life for their children. They labour hard and now we have to study hard. At the end of the day, is that piece of paper really that important? Are we only able to get those information/knowledge if we attend university?

Luxury items. Do we really need that Mazda 3 when a vios can do the same job at a lower cost. Is the LV bag necessary to raise your status when a bag one-tenth the value can hold all the items you want and as long as you look and act decent, you can portray any status you want.

Although I have to admit that several times I toyed with the idea of getting a few hundred dollars bag but at the end of the day, that airtick always got my money.

I do travel too much for my own good, but other than my nz trip 3 yrs back, all my other trips cost less than 2k each. I travel not to pamper myself (i do not need to cause my bdrm is good enough) but to see and experience something different. Something I cannot see/do/feel in my BAU life. These are the things that money can't buy, these are what they call priceless, these are usually the best things in life that is free.

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Saturday, February 11, 2012

Lactose intolerance

Defn: The inability to digest lactose (a type of sugar found in milk and dairy pdts)

Who can gets it: From infants to adults. It doesn't mean that if you do not have it when you were young, you will not get it when you grow up. A lot of ppl get it in their MID twenties. Hence I'm pretty sure I'm "suffering" from LT which results in LS when I consume milk pdts.

In the doctor's room this afternoon, I asked her what can be done. She said I need to find out what is my max milk consumption limit, which brand of ice cream works for me, and if there's a die-also-must-have need for carbonara, get enzymes pills from the pharmacy to take with food.

All along, I have classisfied milk as a staple food, I have take for granted the ease of digesting lactose. I have never though that I will be allergic to milk.

Now, I can't drink my beloved milk coffee, unless its make with soy milk. I cannot indulge in ice cream, I need to monitor how much chocolate I put into my mouth. To think pizza is my all time low comfort food. Now I need to have second thoughts on what I'm putting into my mouth. Maybe I will need to start examine all the ingredients used at the back of the cover.

On the bright side, I have found my medicine for constipation. All I need is a cup of coffee and 12hrs at home. Maybe lesser diary pdt = weight loss.

Erm.. did I hear no bubble milk tea..... oh dear...

To think I already have low iron count, now will I be suffering from insufficient calcium in the body. Ohh. I can hear my bones breaking..... *crack* and I can't even drink anlene. Oh dear dear...

There goes my milk with tea. Now I really have to drink tea with a dash of milk instead of milk with a dash of tea.

Be thankful that I can still eat, be thankful that I can still walk. Be thankful that I still have the strength to participate in all those activities that I enjoy. Just be thankful.

Maybe I'm over reacting, panoroid to the power of infinity. Maybe I'm just suffering from too much stress hence disrupting the bowel system, maybe its just some virus that will clear soon. Just maybe..

Craving for a good cup of latte.

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Thursday, February 09, 2012

Monday, February 06, 2012

Pig in the year of dragon

Since the first day of this dragon year I have been suffering from all kind of illness. ( and its only 2 weeks since!) Fever, persistent cough, running nose, very bad sore throat and diarrhea.

They say that pigs will have fortune and relationship lucky stars smiling at them. But how about health? Anyone knows anything?

Or are these illness here to remind me to treasure what I have and not to take for granted what is given?

Maybe these are to make my lose weight plans come true, afterall its 心想事成。

I just hope to get well soon.

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Just a random thought..

The days seem to have flew away right before my eyes but payday is never in sight.

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Saturday, February 04, 2012


Missing the big blue sea. This is my idea of a good chill out, with a bottle of ice cold beer or a glass of iced coffee or a mug of hot Earl Grey tea. Enjoyment to the max.

The cheap accomodation is simply a bonus. I wonder if the swimming pool has been built.

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Friday, February 03, 2012


Been told that I'm aloof and cold like a glacier when I meet new people resulting in turning any new potentials away.

Really? I didn't realised that. But the thing is, how can I act all warm and bubbly to people I barely know. It will be alright if they are single but not so if they are taken because they will think that I'm trying to hit on them.

I had experiences with guy friends, ppl I already know, who tried to drop me hints that 我们只是朋友 when they are attached. Arggg... with all those previous experiences, how do you expect me to be overally nice and friendly towards ppl I have just met. I will not want a repeat telecast of the same issue over and over again.

Hence, I learn to only keep my guard low with guys who I know will not drop bombs like those. With them, I can be myself, I can disturb them and laugh with them, converse and debate with them and not have to think if Im too over or have to control my words and actions in case I'm sending the wrong msg. I can look them in the eyes and stare at them and not have to avert my glances in case they think I am deeply in love with them.

I just want to be me.

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Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Dun let the parents see this..

This cny I have carried a lot of infants that I normally will not even dare to come close. Being the youngest in my family and one of the youngest in my extended families, I didn't get much chance to train my baby carrying skills.

But, all thanks to the 10kg big brown eyes at home, I think I am getting pretty well trained. Also, baby talk and Darcy language is pretty similar too. Just that when playing with the kiddos, I must remember not to use too much force to get things out of the baby mouth. Dun think they know how to play tug of war yet.

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