Trip updates
All accomodation booked. All transport arranged. Maps, some printed some not. Insurance, not yet.
Can't wait for the day to come for me to bring down my northface bag and start dumping the mustbrings in. Oh, how I missed packing for a trip.
Yeah.18 more days to go!
Random bits..
It's said that 2011 is not a good year for those born in the year of the boar. There will be more downs then ups. Work, r/s, health, family, fortune, nothing much will be gg your way. So, the best is to lie low and not make much changes.
In actual fact, I'm scared. I do not know what this year will bring but i told myself to be prepared for the worst.
Or shld I go all out and take whatever comes by its horns and turn it into my way. Will I have the strength?
Again, I asked myself. What do I really want. For myself.
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