Wednesday, June 30, 2010

somewhere out there..

here we are moaning about our lives.. not caring tt somewhere out there, there are millions who are fighting for their life.

Lets just shut e F-Up and take life as it comes.

Stop whining and start building your dreams.

Friday, June 25, 2010

LG LD460

I just realise tt i had bought a SUPER POWER lcd tv.

So POWERFUL i can watch dramas frm my harddisk straight.

This is technology at its BEST! At least for me..

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

just jazz

Went to a jazz bar last fri to chill w my fav chillg buddies.. can say tt it wasnt wat i thought it will be like. I like live bands (provided they dun scream into e mike) but i discover tt i dun enjoy live bands tt jams more than they sing.

It takes lots of concentration to "understand" what they are playing.. but at the end of e whole thing, i still was not able to "feel" their music. But at least i can say tt i quite like the jazzy voice of the vocalist except when he speaks as he tried to slur all his words together. Dun understand lar.

Tt nite, i asked myself, 'what is jazz?'

Et told me its a band of 4 instruments complementing each other.

I feel that at times its a competition of 4 ppl trying to outdo/outplay each other or trying for the 'loudest' award in their team.

Otherwise, it felt like 4 instruments flirting w each other and seeing who can have the last say tt nite.

What say you?

P.s: anyone heard of anywhere singing L-O-V-E live in a jazzy way..

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

its been a while...

Since l last said this...

It's a Cool cool nite.. those cool cool nites tt i love so much.. where the cool cool wind blew me home yet the cool cool weather tried to temp me to leaving my windows open...

How i miss thee.. e cool cool weather. Pls come n stay..

I wonder hw is it at down under.. is it frrreezing cold already?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

shld we...

Have a baking session oneday..

Thursday, June 10, 2010

super tired..

Woke up tis morng to an email frm jetstar. They are having another melb direct flight promotion but at $550+ return for travelling next q1. Too ex for budget i feel cause i heard of emirates at $400+ so i think i rather wait for another such promotion ba.

Went for a 3hrs long walk w cl n darcy just now to wdls waterfront. Nothing fantastic to wow bout (e place i mean)
But my legs are aching now. Needless to say, it was a good workout!

Now, i'm hungry...

P.s. w/o my htc desire, i wont know of such bargains!
P.p.s. i was able to check for airfares using my htc once i woke up shows tt either my touchscreen typing skills has improved or i'm a damn cheapskate.
P.p.s. i really think tt some top jetstar mgmt is reading my blog or is a friend in my fb or e fengshui stuff is working..

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

up n about...

My parents went for a short trip last sat to this sat.. e hse's quieter w/out their constant bickering. Darcy is so much more well-behaved as well. Other than e occasional bark to remind me to bring him for his walk n e puss-in-boots-melting look tt he gave when u r eating n e die-also-must-try-his-luck-jump to get e rubber band i tied my hair w. Other than all these, he's pretty well behaved i must say.

Anyway, there was a jetstar promo for direct flights to melb going at less than 300sgd return, all taxes incl, flying jan to march. The sales period was frm 3 to 5pm only. Sadly i failed to purchase e ticks cause by e time we confirm e dates, the cheap ticks had been sold out. Depressed.

Now i'd have to wait for other bargains!!

Monday, June 07, 2010


Well, aft 3 days w no internet, me cant take it anymore. I finallly gave in n went to buy e much waited for phone (else u wont b seeing tis posr rite nw). I finally decided on htc desire. Just hope it will nt fail my expectation.

Now tt my lappy has pass on, i'm thinkg of buyg a new set, just tt i've nt decided on wat yet..

Back to work tmr. Sadly, life still goes on. But be thankful tt, when all elses fail you, u still have life. N tts e most impt thing u can have.

May your tmr be a much better day den today!

Tuesday, June 01, 2010


After working for close to 3 yrs, and still not having any substaintial savings. I know this cannot go on anymore.

I used to booast that i have nothing except money.

Now, i learnt to be humble and just shut up, because,

now, i have neither money nor anything.

So, for e past 3 mths, i'd been forcing myself to save. Its little but little goes a long way and something is better than nothing thou something comes from nothing and nothing is actually not really nothing but actually something.(haa.. i'm confusing you, aren't i? tt was e plan actually.)

So, now i say, i have nothing.

No money, no love because i have no money to buy me love thou love is priceless and should not be bought.

Anyway, back to my topic of e day. I'd been FORCING myself to save by transferg e monies to another account w no atm card. Just hope that i can last till the end of yr this way.

Because, if i want to accomplish my plan, i need money.

My plan, is to roam freely.
My aim, $10k for myself, $10k for my parents.
My target date, before i turn 30.

Lets all make my wish comes true!!