Monday, May 24, 2010

wat do i really want?

I see ppl having something and i wish that i have it too. Then i see another person having the same thing but in another way and it got me thinking.

Do i really want it? Do i want it this way or that? I do not know.

And since i do not know, i think the best is not for me to have it now. Till i know what i want, then will i be perfectly contented with having it.

Or shld i have it first to discover which is the way i want to own it in and slowly modified the thing to suit what i really want?

Which should be the way??

I really do not know.

How about you?
How do you feel about L-O-V-E?

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Thou words are free and can be randomly use, one shld refrain from talking too much as the more you say, the more worthless they become.

If 3 words can represent fully your emotions, dun waste time and effort trying to conjunt up beautiful flowy paragraphs that contains whatever nature or man-made objects that you can come out with.

Simply said,

'Go Fu[K yourself!'

Is more than enough.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010


my heartbeat quicken, the smile forming, the anticipation....

oh.. how i miss thee...

It had been sooooooooooooooo long since i used my credit card to pay for clothes and how i miss those days. Glad to have them back now!

(because for e past 6mths, wout even using my card, the cc bill will be already over $500 due to the packages i signed. Those days are finally over!!! muhahhaa...)

Monday, May 03, 2010


my tupid phone kept shuting down even aft i restart it several times.. so pissed!

Anyway, Jetstar Bring A Friend promo is back frm today(members) to 6th May (or until sold out)!

Last i checked, BKK, travelling in Sept(fly on tues, wed) cost about sgd70 each!! YES! Including Return and taxes but on handcarry bags only. But its still dirt cheap! This is like the cheapest you can get for BKK.

Macau is sgd110 per pax!!!

Taipei obtainable at sgd200 each!!!!

Quick go!!! So exciting!!!!

Note: Travel from 21sept to mid nov or otherwise specified. I tried dates for 21st sept and there are seats!!!

Its so exciting but damn, i cant think of anywhere i wanna go and that period is not good for travelling unless i'm nt going Korea.. Shit!!! Wat a waste!

Sunday, May 02, 2010

tell me why..

my mum kept showing me news articles of bali gigolos just now. She WARNED me that they are everywhere in Bali and to be careful.

I cant help but think 'what had i done to give her the impression that i NEED someone so desperately?'

Is it because of the Bintan trip next wk and the Bali trip in Aug that is resulting in these unnecessary worries?

I really am clueless. muhahhaaa....
seriously addicted to Thai romance-comedies..