finally, i'm going away. thou nt far far far away but at least away.
Work was getting even worst than i cld take, silly awful mistakes were made every single day for the past wk. Hence i tried to do e minimal tt i can get away w. But there were still errors here n there n everywhere. Perhaps its due to e fact tt i'm actually already away. Just physically here, mentally there.
Hope, i'll come back feeling better w a clearer mind. In all, a peaceful-er person.
Lets see if i can finally start my traveller's blog tis time.
May my next 3days be filled w beer, more beer n even more beer!! Maybe a little bit of sun and sea. Hope i can see what i want to see...
Enjoy! =) Drink my share of beer for me too!! v(^_^)o
hahaa beer beer beer with abit of sun n sea lol!!! heh what do u wanna see??
i wanna see nature at its best.. but sadly, i'd nt been having much travelling luck lately.. hope next trip will be better!!
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