Saturday, January 30, 2010

Missg my Sydney Road aptm n WOW AU

I'm nt a SUPER EARLY morning person, but i dare say i'm a early morning person (dependg on wat time ur early is, mine is 8ish)

Since i wake up early and have the whole place to myself(& darcy e shadow) w no nice early morning shows, the only thing i feel like doing is to cook a big hearty breakfast. That is eggs, sausages, grilled mushrooms and tomatoes kind. But its hard to do so in sing. Because the kitchen is not MINE!!

Our kitchen has everything i'm sure, just that 20% of the things i need, i do not know where they are placed. Another 40% of the food tt i need are spoilt or expired and very possibly with mould growing.This can be verify by Mr Peng who had, over the years, grew to be smarter and will check the expiry date of everything he used and then take a sniff to double confirm that they are alrite. THIS, is my hse in Sing.

Whereas, on the otherhand, in Melb, in my little Sydney Road 2bedroom apartment with Safeway just behind, literally JUST behind where i can just 'lup' a jacket over and go for grocerries instead of changing to appropriate clothes and walking to the nearby over crowded market and snatching with others for the freshest food available.
Yah, back there i waltz into Safeway and shop in a peaceful enviroment with no sweat achieved.

If i feel like having pancakes, i buy buttermilk and some strawberries,

if i feel like making eggs florentine, i buy some baby spinach and muffins,
if i feel like baking i can buy all the flour and sugar and butter i need,
and if i feel like making toast, i just buy bread and whatever fillings i feel like.

Here, the nearest supermarket that will offer buttermilk, fresh baby spinach and the other more 'rare' stuff will be up the little hilly at Woodgrove's NTUC and its not everytime they will have it and not forgetting the queues and the sweat achieved.

Lastly, not forgetting the cleaning up part, in my little Sydney Road Aptm's kitchen which is small but well equiped, its also neat and tidy where things are properly stored away after used and everything has a place of its own. Not forgetting that the place is bright and airy. Here, the kitchen is so messed up that i just leave it there and let my mum do the putting away part because trust me, i'm not lazy, its just tt when the things are finally dry they are just not where i'd left them at. And honestly, i just dont know where to start.

Argg.. On days like this, i really miss my Sydney Road Apartment and WOW AU.

BUT, BUT, BUT, what i have here and not there are khakis to have pratas, macs big breakfast, kaya toast etc etc.

There i only have ET(when she's nt busying phoning home) who will indulge w me once in w while for some eggs florentine and ice coffee in somebody's garden, ultra thick hot chocolates and pastries by the street and not forgetting the bratwurst w sauerkraut as well as the sugary spainish donuts in vict mkt.

Sigh.. Those were the days!

Friday, January 29, 2010


i officially admit: i'm a fb stalker!


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A quote tt i can fully relates to..

"the purpose of a Friday night is to apply alcohol to the pain of living."
- Celia Brayfield

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The fifth hundred entry - Langkawi

Am back from the 4D3N trip to LKW and her nearby Thai Island.

Loved it!!!

The trip was good. A luxury trip i wld say. We spent a total of 440sgd+200usd+1000rm+600baht.

Our airticks which were booked last oct cost sgd70 each. Flight took 1.5hrs including boarding time. The actual flight time only took 1hr or so. Upon reaching lgw, we took a cab(rm20) to our resort which is about 20-30mins away.

Our deluxe room @ Holiday villa cost 350rm per nite, no breakfast included. Poolview. Ground floor. The service was alright and the plus side is its filled w angmos. Thru out the stay there i didnt see a lot of singaporeans or chinese which is so good. I cld easily imagine myself to be on an Caribbean island.
After checking in, we went to the nearby restaurant, Sunday for dinner. rm120 for 2 mains, 1 stir fried veggies, 1 soft shell crab, 2 beer. Nice bali-thai deco hence the steep pricing. The food was so-so but the ambiance is worth it.

We went back to the resort wanting to go for a soak in their Jacuzzi but they close their pool at 8pm with the reason tt they had added in chemical to clean their pool. So we had to soak in the bathtub instead.

Day 2
We rented a car for 100rm and drove around lkw. My 4th country tt i drove in.
We went to tanjong rhu beach,
the city,

took the cable car(rm30 each),

and end the day w a lobster dinner (rm180). yumm..
check out the price for ONE bowl of rice.. we almost fainted..
Day 3
We took a day trip to the nearby Koh Lepe (The Maldives of Thailand) which is an hr away frm lkw via speedboat. The return journey cost rm280 each. This only covers the speedboat ride, on the island its own time own target own expenses.
Check out the clear blue sea..

Koh Lepe is a small island that has 3 beaches and is all within walking range.
Theres no car on the island, only motorcycles. Lots of simple thai cafes, thai massages and thai dogs.
Here, i counted less than 10 chinese. We are the minorities and can say tt the Thais' look out for us. We walked around the island, found a nice place for lunch(450baht),
went to the beach and found a shady place to waste the day away. I rented a mask(50baht) n did some snokelling along the beach.

I saw a lot of clown fish, parrot fish, big colourful clams, a lion fish, many sea cucumbers and other fishes. Not much live corals here due to the boat activities, but there are shops there that offers 2 type of snorkeling trips to the nearby reefs at 550 and 650baht that last for a day, departing at 9.30am, coming back at 4.30pm. Hence if you want to do both trips, its recommended that you spend 4d3n here.
Their accomodation cost around 1200baht for 2 pax for no aircons and hot water to much much more for resorts style.

Day 4
We slept till we had enough and went for breakfast(30rm) at the Catus restaurant just outside our resort. They served American bkf, British bkf, Malaysia bkf, International bkf, pancakes and such. It has a very sit back and relax feeling for me, no air-con, wooden tables, mismatch chairs, large bright dinning plates and most importantly, freshly squeezed orange juice!! yumm..

Aft bkf, i decided to give it a go at sun tanning. Thru out the whole trip we were trying to avoid e sun as much as possible but tt day i decided to 'TRY' sun tanning to understand why the ang mos enjoy it so much. At the poolside of course.

I changed to my one piece swimming costume, slap on as much sunblock my body can take, took my book, a bottle of water and the large pool side towel and 'chop' a partial shaded lounge for myself. I went for a dip den went back to read my book. Feeling my body turning warm then dry then hot is actually quite an enjoyable feeling. When i felt myself beginning to sweat, i went for another dip to cool off. Due to time constraint, i head back to our room, shower, pack and then check out at 1pm.

We slowly walked out of the resort to find a place for late lunch and after a 30mins walk we ended up at this simple and nice place(which i cant remember its name).

I had a mexican pancake which i like very much, she had a curry chicken which is nt too bad either.
My iced coffee float taste kinda different but bearable and her iced tea is fruity and cooling.
Our lunch cost 50rm which may be ex for Malaysian std, but aft converting to sgd, its actually reasonable. We sat and eat and chat till nearly 3pm, paid for the bill, got a cab, went back to collect our luggage and head to the airport.

And before i knew it, i'm back in SG. One more mth to go before my next getaway. How will that be then?

Tip: To avoid unnecessary conversation with strangers, just smile and pretend you do not know english and they will just assume that you are from China..
Note to self: Get dark shades for ppl-watching.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

15 more hrs to go..

finally, i'm going away. thou nt far far far away but at least away.

Work was getting even worst than i cld take, silly awful mistakes were made every single day for the past wk. Hence i tried to do e minimal tt i can get away w. But there were still errors here n there n everywhere. Perhaps its due to e fact tt i'm actually already away. Just physically here, mentally there.

Hope, i'll come back feeling better w a clearer mind. In all, a peaceful-er person.

Lets see if i can finally start my traveller's blog tis time.

May my next 3days be filled w beer, more beer n even more beer!! Maybe a little bit of sun and sea. Hope i can see what i want to see...


Wednesday, January 06, 2010


i'm far far away..

Saturday, January 02, 2010


Happy 20th Anniversay old mates!!

We have known each other for 76.9% of our life..

Live well and

Happy New Year!!