1/ He knows and understand the meaning of OUT. So, when he starts barking or doing something unstandable said 'OUT' in a strict voice and point to the area he will be enclosed in.
2/ He knows to pee and poo on his pee tray but from time to time, he will do his marking at somewhere else. Was told not to scold him if we did not catch him in action. DO not pull him to the spot and scold him because he wont know what is wrong. Correct him when possible. Else, keep him in an enclose area till he done his business.
3/ He doesnt like strong scent such as perfume, herbs, essential oil. If he starts biting places that you do not want him to, dab the area with the scent. But remember to re-dab it as when the smell disappear his bad habits will surface.
4/ He likes to sniff armpits and bite your underarms to get your attention. Either play with him or hit his snout or say 'OUT'
5/ Darcy eat twice a day. Kibbles for the time being. If free, you can steam fish+brown rice with more fish den rice. Make sure there is no bones as prevention is better than cure. His feeding time is 9am and 7pm.
6/ Every sat, Darcy will be given a hard boiled egg for breakfast+kibbles. We only give him one egg a week as too much is not good. (dun ask me why)
7/ He likes to tear paper. Tissue, books, newspaper. Whatever he can tear, he will tear. N makes a mess. So keep them out of reach.
8/ Darcy knows that a dinning table has food so he will stand on his hind legs and try to lick whatever is within reach.
9/ He likes to play 'chase a cloth'. He will try to steal out table cloth whenever he can and make you chase him. He was taught 'give' but he still prefer you to chase. Be firm and you shall win.
10/ When Darcy gets too attached to you, he will bark at whoever person who is talking to you. Because he want to participate too. Its cute at times but irritating most times. So, be firm or say 'OUT'.
11/ Darcy has his bath once a week. If you do not want to bath him, you can bring him to the groomer for his weekly bath. He will go for a basic grooming session once a month.
12/ Frontline is apply on him every end of month. He's a panoroid when he sees small bottles that is coming his way. So, be firm or be cunning.
13/ Darcy goes for a walk once a day for an hour. He would act like a spoilt brat and not want to go home most times. My dad tied him to the door once and he sat outside till he's satisfied and willing to come home. I wasnt around at tt time.
14/ He marks a lot on poles and whatnot. When he turn cicle means he wants to poo.
15/ DArcy likes to climb. Stairs or mountain or whatever he can.
16/ He likes to chew cloths and plastic bottle. Keep them out of reach.
17/ He enjoys chewing my dad's glasses, my brother's slippers, his gf psp. Just so u noe.
18/Darcy is only 8 mths old. So is still a puppy. He needs lot of sleep. Thou he is playful. He needs to sleep.
19/ Do not give Darcy any food meant for human consumption. Meaning with oil, salt, sugar or any other preservatives.
20/ Darcy is given fruits now and then. He dun like too sour fruit. He is rather picky. Dun give him grapes or citrus fruit such as oranges and esp rasins. (Dun ask me why) He can eat apple, pear, dragonfruit, durian, banana. But all in small quantity.
21/ He eats carrots too. Raw or steam but not a fantastic lover of them.
22/ He behaves best early in the morning when he's still half asleep.
23/ DO NOT ever gives him cooked bones to chew on. Big or small. CHicken or pork or ehatsoever. DO NOT.
24/ I've not tried giving him raw bones. And will prefer not to unless you are sure that there is no baterial or germs.
25/ I wld prefer feeding him raw bones to cooked bones. But i wld also prefer feeding him no bones to raw bones.
26/ He knows 'Sit' 'Down' 'Crawl'(need food temptation) 'Up' 'Hand' and most importantly 'OUT'
27/ He understands 'drink water' 'mum mum' 'gai gai' 'jie jie'(aka me) 'orh orh'
28/ NEVER EVER feed him chocolate. NEVER EVER. They are fatal to dogs.
29/ Dun give him to much treats as he will not want to eat his kibbles.
30/ Darcy is very lovable and definitely not a devil in a dog's body.