Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Raining on Tuesday nite.

The moment i came online, my dance partner send me a song 'Xiang shui' by Xie Ting Feng.

I think i over applied hence suffocating him. Wat a way to drop a hint! Den he started asking me wat was the perfume i used last week and this week. Think the next time he will stay away from gers who are wearing these scents.

But well, i'm a typical Libra. So he has no choice but to bear with it.

Been sick for more than a wk. It started off with diarrhea for two days den sore throat, coughing and breaking into sweat even when i was in my air-conditional room. I blame all these to the chilli crabs and curry chicken i had 2 sundays ago as well as the chilli paste on the BBQ stingray i had 2 saturdays ago at Macpherson kopitiam. The deep fried chicken wings last saturday and the Cold Storage BBQ black pepper Chicken last sunday.

Come to think 'bout it, i think chickens must had offened me in my previous life because i totally love eating chicken. Esp BBQ chicken. I found out that blk 167 also sells BBQ chicken. heeheehee.. I pass by 2 uncles sitting under the void deck yest evening with a box of BBQ chicken wings btw them. It was pure ENVY from my side as i walk past them and trying to take in a deep breath. I wonder when will be my turn...

XL stayed over last nite and we made Oreo Cheesecake but its not as nice as the one she had. I dun really like it and there's still a big slice sittng in the fridge as i type.

Guess who pop up for a visit??..

Its non other than my Ting mei mei (aka Ai Teng).. We are making plans to go P.Redang this April. Honestly, its not really making plans but more of she waiting for an ans frm me. We will be going w her bro's company. So can be said that i'm almost 100% going. Dragging ET n Jul with me. I only come to realise it yest that all 4 of us are 'lan jiu gui'. i.e We heart alcohol. Cheap drinks, here we come!!


Went to dear xiu yi's place for dinner n majong session as well as to give her a surprise birthday celebration in advance. Very much in advance indeed.

All of us + e fruit cake frm Blk 167 which is super delicious.

muck muck..

2 yrs ago and currently.

The thick skin-er who keep aiming for e cake while the others are busy taking photos.

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