Thursday, December 28, 2006

I want my peace n quiet back.

I dun want to be asked repeatedly where i went, what i'm doing and when i will be doing this n that.

I dun want to have someone decides how i shld live my life and organise my time.

I dun want to come back to a stuffy room that smells mouldy.

I dun want anyone to question me what am i doing in my own room and make me not lock my room's door.

I dun want to have anyone breathing down my neck every single minute i'm here.

I want my own peace n quiet back.

I want to be alone. I want to live alone. I want my life back.

Seeking it frm elsewhere...

Give me a job where they will post me elsewhere...

Sunday, December 24, 2006

My last nite in Melb.

Guess wat, its X'mas Eve n i'm all alone at home. Even my parents are out. N i thought tt they wld be home for dinner but NO. They went dating and abandone me ALL ALONE. My hsemate is out for a countdown to X'mas but seems more like a countdown for me to leave.

Its a cold cold day and for no reason i started sneezing. The kind that is not a result of dust but a sympton of cold. Feels like i'm falling sick.

Sold some of the small items in my place just now. Feels so good even thought they are all underpriced. But well, something better than nothing. Hope my luggage won't be overweight tmr. I'm bringing so much things back. Gosh.. To think tt my parents are suppose to come over to carry my stuff back for me as in so i can bring more luggage back BUT my mum bought a lot of chocolates in NZ (u noe hw the sings like to buy choco coated kiwi fruit from the Cadbury Factory in Dunedin.. NO? Well, for those who went to HAwaii w me n had seen my crazy spree at the chocolate cum Macadamia nuts factory you can jolly well picture this. But with my mum's face) No wonder the saying 'like mother like daughter'. She bought like 7 boxes of chocolates and dun noe wat else. Even a choco lover like me felt distressed. [This is whom i learn unoewat from.] Anyway, back to my complains, she have like at least 5kg of chocos n $60 worth of nuts to bring hm. So u can understand my anger. I kept nagging that they r suppose to come here to increase the baggage i can bring back not to increast the baggage i HAVE to bring back. Damn.. One car is so not enought. I doubt 2 too.

Photo taken at Cadbury Factory in Dunedin. They are like 2 kids in wonderland. Not me. I was mulu-ated by them. Sigh..

Anyway, they just got back. Its so cold outside. Whin to my dad that i'm falling sick n wanna drink e lemon panadol thingy. N he made it for me. If i were to whine to my mum, i will have to whine till i fully recover and she will still not make it for me. But, if i were to tell my mum that i wanna drink wine, she will gladly pour for me (then she can sip some without being nag by my dad) but not my dad. So, to survive in this family, one will have to know where to place her feet and ask for who to complete certain tasks. Welcome to the Wong's Family where the youngest is the spoilt brat aka ME.

Went for a walk around Melb just now to bid farewell to my fav places. Namely St Kilda (for its sunday mkt), Lygon street (for its Freedo which is not open today. Damn. I wanna eat green tea flavour) and the city which is so so packed today even when it's a sunday. My last time buying tram ticket and taking tram. My last time walking down Swanston Street and admiring Ferderation Square for its jigsaw triangles. My last time eating Krispy Kreme donuts and drinking ice chocolate in Melb. Sigh.. There are so many things that i'm gonna miss.

Met up w a friend just now to pass her some money. I felt sad bidding farewell to her as she's flying back to Thailand (shld be in e air now) Felt like we will never meet again. I mean, this is life but still, can't help wondering if i were to study in my hm country, i wont have to undergo this kind of 'nan fen nan se'. Most of the friends tt i made in Melb are not from Sing. Most r from Malaysia, few from China, Thai, Korea and Indo. Now that i'm to go back to Sing, i will not meet any of them from diff countries. Even if we were to meet up it will only be for e next yr or 2. I noe that as time past, we will lose contact and someday when we see each other on the street we will just walk past each other. What a waste.

But everytime i were to sink into depression, i will remind myself of the friends who will be waiting for me in SIng. Supper time, sleeping n rotting in tyl's place, cheap movies n swimming pool. Stingrays, egg dao huey, wantan mee, peneng laksa(imitation) and lastly, my piano. One of the thing i miss most. But i told myself that i will get a new one with no broken notes and softer keys. I wanna carry on w my piano lessons. Also, i wanna get a dog n new furnitures for my room. But all this got to wait till i find a job and have enough money.

So my resolutions for when i got back in Sing,
1) Go swimming and take up Yoga or Pilates and LOSE WEIGHT. Not much just 7kg.
2) Get a job and make money.
3) Paint my room and buy new furnitures.
4) Get a dog.
5) Get a brand new piano.
6) Get a car?Nah.. Maybe 5 yrs later. But then, i rather get a hse.

Hope my job can post me elsewhere like say NZ, Canada or even Maldives. Then i shldn't get a dog nor a piano right? But well, dun think i will be able to find such a job. Maybe i will just become a teacher. Haha... Who knows??

A brand new ending?!?

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Random little bites..

You know..

Have you ever felt like sitting down with someone in a nice quiet place with warm street lights, turn 45 degrees towards that someone, looked at him/her and said, 'You know.....' and started telling that someone the deepest most secret you have that not even people who know you for more than half of your life have any clue bout?

Thats me. More than often, i will experience that uneasiness and felt like vomiting out all those facts about me. But i never did. The one time i did, i wrote it down on several postcards (the only paper i cld find at tt time) and gave it to that someone to read while i sat beside. The response from that someone was better than what i'd expected and it make me realised that its not tt hard aft all. Nt tt hard to express how i honestly, truthfully and seriously feel.

Maybe its the fear of rejection. Or maybe its just me being afraid of losing the trust and respect from my special someone. But tonight, like many other nights that occurs every now and then, i felt like sitting down beside you, under dimly lighted streetlights at our midpoint, and started off with 'you know, this past three years...' and tell you all my happiness and unhappiness, surprises and shocks, friends and enemies i had have.

My three years that past like a blink yet the cuts were deep, the pain deeply felt even till this day.

My three years that sometimes i wish it cld start all over and sometimes i wish that it will end right now.

My three years where you had kept close contact with me to nag at me like my parents, support me when i was depressed and push me on whenever i felt like giving up.

'You know, during the event that signifies the end of my three years, i took this picture, seriously wishing that you were here with me, right now, right here.'

Thinking of you, right here, right now.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Back in Melb, once again.

Just came back from a roadtrip to Mornington Penisula, Wilsons Prom and Lakes Entrance(again). Was suppose to come back on fri but due to some matters that is still pissing me off, we decided to come back earlier. Fuck credibility.

I grad last sat. Still can't belive tt i'd graduated. Fear tt one day the sch wld call and tell me that they had mark one of my paper wrongly and i'd failed. But guess not.

Coming back on Christmas day.

Friday, December 15, 2006

10 simple tips for dating.

I saw this page when i sign in this morning n cldn't resist taking a read. My conclusion is, this is extremly true i guess. Small stuff like this can really make a difference.

Personally, these few might really works..

(4)Sharing a dessert. Its a good way to end a dinner with something sweet and not over indulge your waistline so sharing is the best way out. But never make a comment like 'hey, its cheaper this way ya know.' Because this is so so wrong.

(5)Tipping well shows that you are generous but dun overdo it otherwise she will feels tt u do not value your money or when you really got her and you cut down on your tipping by a great deal, she will feels cheated.

(8)Small gestures like these always impress me. I'm just saying. Be it just making an extra effort to walk over to her side to open her car door or guiding her thru large masses of walking flesh this shows that you care and is able to protect her well. But dun make a big hoohaa out of it. Do it sleek and smooth like its just second nature to you and yes man, you had just impressed a lady.

So well, hope you guys enjoy this piece of information. Practise well n u might not be alone anymore.

But note that (10) might not be applicable to most in sing as i reckon tt e lady will feels weird wearing black n lacy to dinner w e rest of e family watching. u noe wat i mean..

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Back in Melb..

I miss Melbourne. Althought i was gone for only 12 days but it felt like i'd left home for a long while.. 13 more days to go before i leave melb for good. Gosh.. i wonder how it wld be den..
I realised tt i was accused. Badly accused by my best frend in sing!! But since i'm understanding n forgiving, i shall ignore it. But hey, if u had check u will realised tt its less than 12 days lor... But since i'm understanding, i understand tt u miss me hence u accused me. N since i'm forgiving, i shall forget it SOON.
NZ is pretty. The scenery is diff frm Vic. Aust is full of beautiful deep blue sea whereas NZ is full of jade green lakes, everywhere n snow capped mountains even in summer. But, i wld love to visit NZ again in winter n i wld wanna drive a caravan w a special someone so we can wake up to breataking views like this every single day.
With nite skies like these n sometimes even better..
Yes, this is Orion. Can u spot his belt, sword, arms n legs?
But think i wld only wanna visit the South Island and then to Fiji or Taihiti. Hehee.. I'm taking too much n thinking too far... But yes, NZ is a romantic place i reckon during Winter.
More to come when my mood is back. Its good to have internet oh yeah!

The songs i was addicted to during this trip. I only had radio for the last 12 days n there were long periods w no reception. So, thank you to the invention of waves.