Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Just came home...

What i like bout studying in Queensberry's Criminology Building..

Its big area. There's a computer lab, a study room and a common room. (I like the common room as most of the times i'll b e only one in it.)

The hot water dispenser. So that i can drink my Earl Grey tea as long as i bring my tumbler, sugar and tea bag.

The comp lab with real good internet connection. I can load and watch U-tube at the same time.. Hahha... (Oh ya.. Life is good!)

The privacy of that building. You need to be in 'the circle of trust' to be allow in there. As the building will be closed aft 6pm everyday so as long as you have some friends in there before 6pm then you will be able to get in. Otherwise, home you go..

The cold cold early morning where every breath you take is... COLD!

And lastly and my fav, the early morning breakfast at Vict Mkt. yummyy.. Nothing beats a hot early morning breakfast... And the seafood at vick mkt wet section looks so much fresher than it usual does at noon. One fine day, aft exams, i'm gonna go mkting at 6am to buy all e freshly fresh oysters, lobsters, crabs or bug, fish and.. ya... n etc etc... They looks so good that you really wanna eat them raw.. Haha...

I'm a bit sore on nt getting breakfast today as one of my friend has a 9am paper later.. So we went home WITHOUT breakfast at vict mkt. So, all i can think of nw, is Bacon and egg toast.. Haii... How to sleep like tt???

Below is a photo we took at the wine appreciation long long ago.. I just gt it.. Doesnt most of us look red??

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