Friday, June 23, 2006

My last 12 hrs before my final battle...

Last nite anyone gonna see me studying till 6am..
Ok, think that its very likely that i will repeat this trend at the end of the yr again.

But for now, today will b the last nite.

Will be leaving for a roadtrip on sat. My last rdtrip w Xl. My first rdtrip w my parents. Yes, they will b arriving tmr evening. Aft my paper, i will have to meet them at the airport. Hope we wont lose our way cause maybe driving there...

I need to shift my focus on something for the time being. Kept reading the same sentence for i cant remember hw many times yet nothing can go in.

I know i have to concentrate but just cant. So maybe aft blahing here i might be able to focus better..

Cant wait for tmr 4.30pm to come. I hope i wil be happy...

Time to start studying..

12 more hours...

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Check this out...

Yellow Fever...

Damn funny.. So cartoon...Watch it and enjoy!

Just came home...

What i like bout studying in Queensberry's Criminology Building..

Its big area. There's a computer lab, a study room and a common room. (I like the common room as most of the times i'll b e only one in it.)

The hot water dispenser. So that i can drink my Earl Grey tea as long as i bring my tumbler, sugar and tea bag.

The comp lab with real good internet connection. I can load and watch U-tube at the same time.. Hahha... (Oh ya.. Life is good!)

The privacy of that building. You need to be in 'the circle of trust' to be allow in there. As the building will be closed aft 6pm everyday so as long as you have some friends in there before 6pm then you will be able to get in. Otherwise, home you go..

The cold cold early morning where every breath you take is... COLD!

And lastly and my fav, the early morning breakfast at Vict Mkt. yummyy.. Nothing beats a hot early morning breakfast... And the seafood at vick mkt wet section looks so much fresher than it usual does at noon. One fine day, aft exams, i'm gonna go mkting at 6am to buy all e freshly fresh oysters, lobsters, crabs or bug, fish and.. ya... n etc etc... They looks so good that you really wanna eat them raw.. Haha...

I'm a bit sore on nt getting breakfast today as one of my friend has a 9am paper later.. So we went home WITHOUT breakfast at vict mkt. So, all i can think of nw, is Bacon and egg toast.. Haii... How to sleep like tt???

Below is a photo we took at the wine appreciation long long ago.. I just gt it.. Doesnt most of us look red??

Thursday, June 15, 2006

How much does a pimple cost?

I was telling my friend few days back bout my pimples outbreak. Its horrible. Yes I mean my face. Other than being FAT n ROUND its also covered by P-I-M-P-L-E-S! Just like the stars in the skies.

Anyway, I said something like, 'My pimples are popping our everywhere. Like free one!!'

Yeah, n suddenly I realized that its actually not free at all.

You see, for a pimple outbreak to occur is not easy.

You need
- stress
- unhealthy food
- insufficient sleep.

What might lead to stress?? Exams lor.. How much does an exam cost? To me its $12k per semester.

Unhealthy food.. Red Rock Deli Sweet chilli and sour cream Potato Chips. Something I will never say no too. Having it at 4-5am is SO not a good idea.

Sleep. For a non-soccer fan, World cup means nothing. But for a non-soccer fan with lots of soccer fans' friends. It had to mean something. Wat was suppose to be a study-till-first-tram (ie 6am) in the school comp lab became a study-till-Brazil match start (ie 5am). And so, a few of us went to my friend's place to watch World Cup. (haha.. Kaka is kinda a way..)Also, that's where the chips came into the picture.

To host a world cup is so expansive. To finance the R&D department in the Red Rock Deli company is also not cheap.

Hence, to conclude, it can be proven that pimples are indeed expensive. Not everyone can have them. So, enjoy their outbreak while I can! (Reaching out for the pimples cream.)

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Oh man...

I was bored. So i went to the net and started checking out accomodation for my trip to Tassie in July. Yeah.. kiasuism...

Anyway, look wat i found.. I was drooling all over my AM2 notes which were lay out directly infront of me (for the past 4 hours).

Click on the link: Avalon Coastal Retreat

It is so so so cool. My dream house. Check out the photo gallery. Oh man.. Look at the scenery. The sunrise, the moon over the ocean. Also, look at the layout of the house.. Its so what-i-want!!!! When will i ever get the chance to own something like this... Sigh..

There are just so many nice apartments and cottages on the east coast of Tasmania that offer breathtaking views along the Bay of Fires.. (Grace.. u have no idea what u r missing out on!!)

Sigh.. I hope it wont be too cold when i'm there...

Sunday, June 11, 2006


Okay Bleach, i so am declaring war against you.

Stop haunting me!

Enough is enough!!

I'm seriously serious this time.

It's really time for me to start doing what i need to do!

Goodbye for now n i'll honestly miss you!

12 more days to go...

Oh ya, aqmfs will b out by tmr.. hehe...

Saturday, June 10, 2006

In e middle of e nite~~

Once again, i had just woke up. At 2am aft napping for 5hrs. 'I need to get up' Was wat i kept repeating to myself. I hate this kinda feeling. When i really feel like sleeping yet i cant because i need to study. Damn.... Esp in this kinda weather.

But at least i woke up. Cause wat greeted me outside the window was what i had been waiting for. FOG~~ n its heavier than the previous time. Hahaha.. *Fog is romantic*

Luckily i never watch that movie 'The fog' even though there was a slight moment i wanted too. Otherwise i think my perception of the fog will be different.

I went to check the weather forcast and its reported that currently its 4 degrees n felt like 3 degrees. Visibility is 4 miles which is 6436m which is approximate 6km. Hah.. My foot. Its less than 1km for here. I cldnt see e end of safeway at all... N frm previous picts u can conclude tt nt very far.

I shall wait for my camera stand to come. Told my dad to get me one.. Haha.. I'd always wanted one and now finally my wish is coming true. Just hope that it will fits my dig camera and its of the length i want. So i can take clearer picts in e nite mode.. Haha..

Really need to start studying.

Oh, i just realised yest tt starting can be broken up into STAR-ting. Haha.. Hw cool is tt...

Sigh.. Notes, here i come...

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Just feel like...

Just feel like blogging...

Just finish watching 9 episodes of Bleach. They are so addictive... Got one phase from that show though.

'If I were the rain that binds together the earth and the sky, who in all eternity will never mingle, will I be able to bind the hearts of people together?'

Wah.. Damn nice.. The episodes are so touching too... Made me reach for the tissue several times... Sigh...

Sat for my 1st paper yest. It sucks. BIG TIME! I hate that. Aft tt, I went to the city to shop for a while n to buy some instant mee.

Bought like 4, 5 different brands of Korean Kimchi Ramen. Cause I had this super delicious one some wks back n I cldnt remember its packaging. So, now I'm going to try them n see which is the best. Why must all the kimchi ramen has red packaging??? Dun understand!! Aft tt, i 'ta bao' roast duck rice home to eat.


Esp like it when I bite into the meat and the juices started flowing out. Ok, it is oil. But so wat, I still likes it! Hhaha.. Den slept frm 9pm till 1pm this morning. Sigh... Refusing to face reality, so I decided to hide in dreamland.

BUT 'No dream come true until u wake up and go to work.'

This was sewn on a pillow cover that Cheryl gave me when I first left for Melb. It had never left my bed unless it needed a spin in e washing machine. And a message tt I must never forget. And yes, I will think of her everytime I see it. Cause when she first gave it to me, it was in a sare-lee pound cake kinda packaging (u noe, those aluminum boxes) so I didn't know what it really was. Only when I took it out den I realized tt it's a pillowcase. Surprise turns to confusion. The first thing tt came into mind was, 'Why did she buy me a pillowcase for??' Only after I'd re-read the sewn on message several times did I understand the meaning behind it. So, its always by my side, for me to hug to sleep everynight.

The moon had changed its path. Or rather, I shld say tt the earth had moved.. Hmm.. rotated? No it's always rotating.. Hmm.. What other word to use?? Dun noe.. Anyway, I just have to look out of my balcony and I will see the moon. Nice.. It has a kinda calming effect on me.. Like its saying, 'Dun worry, everything is still the same cause I'm still here. I'll shine all your troubles away.' It was a sleek crescent several night ago, but now it has become almost a full moon. Maybe 2 or 3 nites more to go. Mr Moon changes everyday but somehow he gave me the assurance that he will always be there especially on the darkest nite. Even on nights where I cant spot him, I know he's somewhere. Waiting for a perfect time to come out. And he always did.

16 more days to go....

Sunday, June 04, 2006


I had some cravings just now.

I felt like drinking some thick orange juice.

I went over to Safeway which is just a stonethrow away.

I bought some juice, came back, pour into a glass and pour in some milk.

What were i thinking of???

I do not know.

But it sure taste good....


Sigh.. Had not been talking for a long long time. Had been confined in my room for the past one wk. I swore nt to leave Sydney Road till my first paper. N i did just that. I'm a cheapskate la.. Cause i do not want to spend money on tram ticks. haha.. But guess i wasnt very effective. I started waking up at 2pm now, but at least i sleep later, at 6am. It seems like i'm playing hide and seek with Mr Sun. I see him for about 2-3hrs each day only. When he rises, i sleep. When i'm ready to start my day, he left.

Think i'm pretty crappy these days. This is my way of releasing stress i guess. I have a friend who tends to say sweet nothings when he's stressed. 'Some pent up energy that need to be released' What a nice way of pharsing that.

This yr exams, i did not torture myself like i did for the past yrs. Take last yr for instance, once i had one whole wk of fried rice cake (mass cooking), once i had one whole wk of jap curry. The rest are all soup based nooddles with all kinda balls. This time round, i had Ferro Rocher for my chocol craving, fish and chips, pad thai, chocol mousse for dinner. I'm so enjoying life. Guess i'd yet to feel the stress..

I'm having my first paper in 1 day n i've nt finish studying. Ok. I'd finish reading thru e notes, made additional notes but i'd yet to re-do all the tuts n e specimen paper. Need to memorise so much formula. Sigh.. Make me more hard working pls!!!

19 more days to go.. Argg.. chiong ahhhh!!!

Saturday, June 03, 2006

mv of one of my fav drama!!

Check this out!!

*click click*

*Another one*

Ohh... all e sweet memory started coming back!!!

I can't wait for the second part!

Friday, June 02, 2006

Share my knowledge w u...

Kinda bored n ya... feeling proud of this sheet of paper which i had spend the whole day trying to grasp the concept. Finally get what its saying but had not remmeber all the small details yet.

This is part of one of the subj tt i'm taking this sem. Actuarial modelling 1. Here, we r trying to find the estimator of the survival function using the maximum likelihood. Simply saying, the prob that a person will survive. (Hmm.. shld be correct..)

Yah, its all maths. Haha.. n YES, My handwriting is still skew towards the left. But nt as left as before i reckon...

*i heart maths*
