Thursday, January 26, 2006

Answers to my questions!!!

After a brilliant suggestion by Erica, I decided to give the web a try. I went to search for maggots and I found the much desired answers.

If I'm not wrong, they should be the larvae of Cheese skipper.

'Cheese skipper eggs are usually laid on the surface of overripe or moldy cheese or on meat which is slightly putrid. Cheese skipper (also known as Ham Skipper) larvae can also be found in grease, feces and human cadavers. They can move about by peristaltic movements of the body as do other fly larvae, and also by sudden, snapping movements of the body which may cause them to jump or skip as much as 10 inches, thus the common name "skipper."

Life Cycle of Cheese Skipper
The adult fly feeds on juices found in areas where they prefer to breed, living just long enough to mate and lay eggs. The female cheese skipper will lay approximately 140 eggs on her food source. The small larvae tend to gather together and feed in one place, burrowing into their food source to avoid light. When mature, larvae leave the food material and seek a dark, dry place to pupate. Under normal to ideal conditions, the cheese skipper larvae complete their development in about five days. It takes as little as 15 days for this fly to develop from egg to mature adult.

Cheese Skipper Elimination
All surfaces in storage areas should be thoroughly cleaned to remove all meat or cheese scraps, crumbs or grease.'

(Copied from

So I wasn't wrong when I thought that the red larvae did 'bounce' up when I was trying to remove them. Yucks.. How disgusting are they!!! Several times when I tried to pick one up with the kitchen towel, I exerted too much force and they went 'pop' between my fingers. Yuckks. So disgusting.

Also, from another website I found out that increase in temperature also speed up the process. So that was why I guess. Now that it's summer and there are massive temperature changes. Also I'm sure that these took place less than a week ago, because some of the larvae was found under a pair of my slippers which I last wore on Sat, whereas the others which I wore frequently had non. Then it was the hottest on Sunday. So it should had happened then. So disgusting.

But looking on the bright side, I learned something new. I clean up the living room. And I lost my appetite for dinner. Sigh.... What a day. Just hope that there wont be nightmare tonight..

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