Saturday, January 28, 2006

My 'FU' n Bao Gua!!

Lunar New year, went to Chinatown for 'Pian bao' and Lion Dance. Bought 2 slices of bao gua which cost $2.50 each. Haii.. It tastes like taiwanese sausage. Super sian diao since i dun like taiwanese sausage. But no choice.

My second CNY in Melb. Few of us w our product before our reunion dinner.

Friday, January 27, 2006

My version of eggs benedict...

Tried this at a caft last sunday and like wat Erica said, '$9.50 for 2 eggs?? A bit ex lei...' So, i decided to try this at home. These are poached eggs. That is boiled in water aft cracking them. I like.. Hehee...

Aft tt, i boiled spinach till they are soft n make some sauce. Spoon some over the spinach and time to eat.... Hahaha.... Those are english muffins anyway.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Answers to my questions!!!

After a brilliant suggestion by Erica, I decided to give the web a try. I went to search for maggots and I found the much desired answers.

If I'm not wrong, they should be the larvae of Cheese skipper.

'Cheese skipper eggs are usually laid on the surface of overripe or moldy cheese or on meat which is slightly putrid. Cheese skipper (also known as Ham Skipper) larvae can also be found in grease, feces and human cadavers. They can move about by peristaltic movements of the body as do other fly larvae, and also by sudden, snapping movements of the body which may cause them to jump or skip as much as 10 inches, thus the common name "skipper."

Life Cycle of Cheese Skipper
The adult fly feeds on juices found in areas where they prefer to breed, living just long enough to mate and lay eggs. The female cheese skipper will lay approximately 140 eggs on her food source. The small larvae tend to gather together and feed in one place, burrowing into their food source to avoid light. When mature, larvae leave the food material and seek a dark, dry place to pupate. Under normal to ideal conditions, the cheese skipper larvae complete their development in about five days. It takes as little as 15 days for this fly to develop from egg to mature adult.

Cheese Skipper Elimination
All surfaces in storage areas should be thoroughly cleaned to remove all meat or cheese scraps, crumbs or grease.'

(Copied from

So I wasn't wrong when I thought that the red larvae did 'bounce' up when I was trying to remove them. Yucks.. How disgusting are they!!! Several times when I tried to pick one up with the kitchen towel, I exerted too much force and they went 'pop' between my fingers. Yuckks. So disgusting.

Also, from another website I found out that increase in temperature also speed up the process. So that was why I guess. Now that it's summer and there are massive temperature changes. Also I'm sure that these took place less than a week ago, because some of the larvae was found under a pair of my slippers which I last wore on Sat, whereas the others which I wore frequently had non. Then it was the hottest on Sunday. So it should had happened then. So disgusting.

But looking on the bright side, I learned something new. I clean up the living room. And I lost my appetite for dinner. Sigh.... What a day. Just hope that there wont be nightmare tonight..

wth is this?? Anyone/

Anyone can tell me what are these? They r found in my apartment... Helpp....

I need to know what they are and ways of getting rid of them as well as where to find the rest. Irritating piece of shit!!!

Sunday, January 22, 2006

I'm still alive....

Wondering what's up w e title? Well, aft enduring 2 days of hot weather (when i say hot, its burning hot) i'm still alive. W temp reaching a max of 42 degree today, several forest fires breaking out through out Victoria, Australia Open (tennis match) having to stop a few games, swimming pools being filled with families, i serious felt fortunate to be able to experience this.

It might not be the hottest ever but it indeed is the hottest i had ever experienced. Not hoping that there will be more days like this but at least this is something different.

Steping out of the apartment, on my balcony. Waiting for the strong winds. I felt like i was placed in an oven. The wind was hot. Everything was hot. Standing outside for one minute wass more than i could take. I retreated into my house. But the windows were not enought to protect me. In fact it retains the heat inside the house. Glass aft glass of iced lemon tea was all i wanted. Accompanined by Yakitate Japan. I tried to make myself comfortable. That was all i could do.

Finally night falls, the sun had set. No more blazing hot rays. Just strong winds. Strong cool winds. It should be twenty something degee now, at 10pm. How much it had dropped... Windows which had been shut tight for the whole day are finally open to welcome the coolness of night. Its time my fan takes a break.

Yesterday, Saturday, it was hot but not as hot as today. I went out w Erica to Docklands w the intention of having a seafood feast. But we were disappointed. There were only a few stalls and not much seafood at all. We bought half a dozen of fresh oysters and make the best out of it. After that, we caught a tram and went to South Melbourne Beach and from there, we slowly stroll down to St kilda. It took us about an hour and a half. But it was worth the walk. I enjoyed walking. Surprisingly, it wasnt as hot as in the city area. Or maybe it was evening time. After that, we took a tram back to city and then to Docklands as we knew that there will be a firework show after nine.

We bought some fish and chips, found a nice spot, sat down and had our dinner. Not long after, the fireworks started. It was magnificant. Our spot can be said to be the VIP seat for the whole show. When we thought that was all, along came the second part. The finale was the best. The fireworks appeared to be falling on you. Nearer and nearer they came. Bursting into sparks right on top of us. At one point in time, i wondered if there was going to be an accident, but with the crowd cheering with every 'combustion' made, i continue to enjoy my fish and chips. Ahhh... Dinner with fireworks, how many time in one lives can we get to experience that. Perfect. On occasions like this, i always ask myself, 'Will i miss life in Melbourne?'

Link to Docklands photos: Docklands

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Wat i saw in Sydney last Spring..

Went for a holiday w my parents to Sydney last Sept n saw these at Bondi Beach.

Nice way of spreading awareness...

Sunday, January 15, 2006


Dun u wish u were here w me nw....

Hee.... Yummy...

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Updates! Updates!!

Sometimes just wondering if i'm updating for myself. Felt like there's noone reading this. I mean, the last msg left in e tagboard was in dec. So long long ago... Maybe there's nothing to comment on. haha..

Anyway, sch had start since tues. Yah, when everyone in sing is enjoying their holiday. Chey... But well, i was so excited that i cldnt sleep e night before. Yah rite. Maybe i shld say tt i was too used to sleeping at 3am everynight hence it was hard sleeping at 12. Anyway, e lecturer was nice. Fast. He speaks very fast when he's excited which is almost 80% of the time. Ahh.. And i seems to be having the memory of a goldfish. This second i can be trying to write down what he had just said den e next, i cant remmeber what else he had said. In e end i will just get pissed off n sulk. Haha.. Whats new??

All i can think is ' wo zi zao de!' I mean, there's actually no need for me to do summer so what am i doing here? Haha.. 'gay kian ma' CMI. But better than staying in sing lah. Here got more freedom. Can do whatever i want. Just that over here can't dress whatever i want. Like shorts n tees n flip flops. Here, ppl dress up for sch. hai.. sian diao. Now i know how to answer Jul n XL when they ask me 'how come so long liao you still dun have anyone in melb?' Haha.. The ans i will give shall be, 'Cause i wear until too auntie liao. So nobody will lay their eyes on me and hence i wasnt notice n hit on.' Haha.. Guess this will be a good ans. Anyway, think too much liao..

A bit bored now. Had been watching vcd since 4pm. Wei chueng passed me a big stack of vcd this noon as she was afraid tt i'll be bored and have nothing to do. I said to her, 'I'll thanks you when i fail my summer.' Hahah... So much for doing a good deed. Cooked my beancurb skin today. But not sweet enough. At least i used BAI GUO and it was nt burnt. Just not sweet enough. Maybe i shall try to perfect this desert and then when i grad, i will stay here and open a 'fu zhu' store. Selling nothing but 'fu zhu' desert. Of course i will have some variety. Maybe i will have the normal one w bai guo, another with lotus seed, and one that has a burnt smell. How about sugarless? CMI. Think too much liao. Think my shop will close within a mth.

Feel like baking my 7-up cake. But wondering who will eat it for me? Sigh.. No more tiramisu. Now is 7-up season. Haha.. Also, i need to get a mixer. Wonder if i shld get one that is cheap then use for a year den throw. But worried that it will get overheated since those handheld kind are not really longlasting. haha.. See how. Pass by a electic shop having a close down sale this morning. Maybe i shall go there for a look soon. But what about warrenty after that? Siann....

Listening to Fish Leong's songs now. Shoick. Blasting them and the music is good. I'm listening thru my earphones so no worries on disturbing others. But my train of thoughts seems to be disrupted from time to time when i'm trying to catch the lyrics. So dun blame me when the flow is not there. Or when the eng is bad. I wanna change song for this page. Go where to find???

Dun know why, but suddenly have the craving of walking in the rain. In heavy rain. Haha.. Stupid craving. BUt just feels like just walking or maybe even running in the rain. N laughing. Together with a friend. Haha.. Wonder when will that day be where i will lose my senses, let my hair down and take a walk in the rain. I'm too logical. Too realistic. I will think of the consequences. Such as, what if i catch a cold and fall sick for the next few days. Den will that affect my work? What if i cldnt see clearly, tripped and fall. Injured myself. What if my slippers came off halfway while i was crossing the road? What if there's no place to dry myself and i will creat a mess in the train or bus that i'm in. Sigh.. Too much what if. Maybe i shld ask myself this instead, 'What if i never do it now? When will i have this opportunity again?' Hmmm... Worth thinking about...

Sunday, January 08, 2006

First entry in melb..

Hmmm.. Been here for 3 days only yet felt like I've never left this place. Just that its a lot hotter than when I left in Dec. I was actually perspiring while walking to a friend's hse this evening.

I touch down on sat morning about 10am, reach hw, unpack den sleep at 2pm till 7pm when XL n YH call me regarding a favor I request from them. Then continue sleeping till next morning 11am. I didn't eat anything other than in e plane at 7am so it's nt surprising that I felt faint while shopping for food at SAFEWAY on sun morning. But manage to reach home, cook n eat. Watching my drama till late. That's hw I spend my first two days.

Den today, I woke up feeling that I need some changes. So I shift my 1.8m long table into my room, change e position of my bed. Now, I can study in my bedroom. Yeah!!! Aft cleaning n arranging for e whole afternoon, I went out to meet Wei cheung to get a cable from her n to have dinner. Then we went to her old place n I wait for her to clean up. Den we chat till 10pm n went home. Got to hear lots of things about her n our friend. Sigh.. Dun noe good or bad. Just hope tt she will be happy. Just hope tt everyone will be happy.

Had uploaded e picts I took for steamboat, kite flying, at tyl's hse n during my departure. Go see ba...

Link to e steamboat photos: Steamboat
Link to my departure photos: Departure

Friday, January 06, 2006

My last twelve hours in sing. Hahahaha...

Haha... A bit high due to lack of sleep n e teh tarik I just had. Met Jul for breakfast just now at 7am. As I was telling her, this is the first time I wake up so early this time round other than for camp n during trekking. So now, rubbish shall flow from my mouth. Which is true n which is not shall be judge by e reader him/herself since the typer is 'sah'

Went to buy my IBM laby yest. Luckily managed to drag poor Mr Peng w me or else I will be suffering from sore shoulders. That guy helped me carry my text n my laptop. haha.. So shoick. So I gave him my old laptop in return. Haha.. No lah. Since when am I so generous. Just that I pass it to him and let him do whatever he wants and can and then to sell it if possible. Meanwhile he can use it too. So its a win-win situation for both of us. Just hope that he wont get too frustrated with it and smash it w a hammer like how yanxin felt like.

Now trying to burn all e drama tt GH had lend me. Haha.. Guess this time life wont be so bored now that I have like 4 dramas to watch and Erica had bought a 200Gb portable harddisk to store shows too as well as Xinling who will be bring back some of e vcds. Yeahh.. Haha.... Think will be enough to last me till the end of the year. But not to worry, naggy old women, i will study. Just that sometimes its good to be able to relax. Hee...

Went to check the inflight movies earlier and can say that I'm pretty satisfied with it. Going to watch April Snow and Be with me. Kept seeing April Snow poster all over the CD shops and at a certain point in time I almost bought the vcd. But luckily I didn't. Then 2 days ago, while I was at TYL's hse i saw an article (frm The Newspaper) on a Eric Khoo production, Be with me. The title caught my attention first den i realized that its a Sing production if I'm nt wrong. So shall watch it tonite n see how it is. Heee.. So excited. haha.. Too bad tt I had watched the top 3 english show that they are playing. In her shoes, Just like heaven and Tim Burton's Corpse Bride. Haha... But I think among these 3, In her shoes is the best follow by Just like heaven. I watched it in Melb and its worth every single cents. Its so good that I cant stop promoting it to my friends in Sing. I think Jul n Cheryl will like it especially. Its nt a girly kind of show w no storyline. Its everything. There's kinship, love, work, betrayal, trust, friendship, everything. Its a must must must watch movie. Go watch it w your best girl friends or sisters. Its SUPER good. Go watch. Its coming soon!!

Haha... So, what else had I been doing???? Aft breakie w Jul, I came back w e intention of sleeping. But I cldn't. High on teh tarik I guess. So decided to start packing, burn and den leave for City hall earlier. Going there to meet TYL for lunch. Cause I needa do some last min shopping. Had a feeling tt my bag will be overweight. But well, had already checked in online n had gotten a window seat (YEAH!!) . Seems like I cant wait to board the plane. BUT THATS COMPLETELY NOT TRUE. I'm just high on teh tarik. I hat flying ever since the school trip to Hawaii. That almost cost my life n since den I hate flying. Esp e after effect of flying. I will feel light headed, loss of appetite.. Sighh.... So had to find some entertainment while on board.

Hope I wont sink into depression when I'm back in Melb. Sigh.. Studying, flies, hot weather, more flies and more more flies. Yucks... That's the only thing I hate in summer. FLIES. BIG FAT DISGUSTING STUPID FLIES. They are so fat that you can just catch them like that as they cant fly away fast enough. They travel in packs and likes to surround you when u r wearing black. Maybe shld buy those army insect repellent which I heard is so strong that it corrodes, Den maybe that will give the flies away.

Gonna start doing some exercise too. Dun wanna grow horizontal anymore. I feel shorter when I'm fatter. Hai... Ok lah.. Think I'm super full or crap now. Shall sign off before I start stinking. Hahah....

Guess I will miss my dear who had accompanied me through those lonely 2.5 years. Hope you are now in better hand, with someone who can understand you more, treat you better than I do and treasure you more than I ever will. Good bye to you!! You will always be my first laby and I will always remember you!