Sunday, November 27, 2016

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Just another day..

Was feeling dishearted/dejected/discouraged upon receiving news that one of the students wanted to terminate/sack/retrench me. Was walking over to receive my last payment and the moment i reach their lift landing i was greeted by..

Instantly reminded that there is sunshine after the rain..

Fight on!!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

My deeeepest sympathy..

This evening, with an hour to spare i alighted at wdls station to look for food at cwp. It was crowded as it was near 7pm. While thinking of possible no-fat dinner and walking, a lady cuts into my path (which is normal as it was havoc at the entrance). She was so near that my left foot stepped on her left foot. To be exact, its the side of her left shoe. Somehow her shoe almost fall off. To which she glare at me. As in seriously glare at me while walking the next 5 steps away.

My first reaction was to apologise but upon seeing how she GLARED at me like i had just slap her many times i stopped at 'Sor' and just looked back at her. 

My first thought of her was 'stupid kid'.
Then i saw her LV bag and her work wear and i realised that this is no kid but a working adult.

All i can say is..

MY DEEEEEPEST CONDOLENCES to you who is still working and had such a shitty day that you need to vent your anger on a complete stranger who accidentedly stepped on your jelly shoes while YOU crossed into her path.

P.S Recommend you to get a better pair of walking shoes as this felt non-existing when stepped on and also fell off your feet easily. Lastly, tomorrow is another day, have a great day, at work/shit hole!

Saturday, October 01, 2016


I guess i can say that this is one of the best birthday ever. From 1 sat before to 5mins before to the actual day itself. Cant ask for anything more... Except maybe just a little bit more time to meet up with some other oldies..

Really really thankful to have known u all frm RSS - where it all happened and always giving our best and more!!

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Happy 8th anniversary Darcy!

Without you, i wont be who i am today. Thanks for always being here.

Thursday, September 08, 2016

A 14yo tudent said

Boy: Maybe i should become a tutor like you.

Me: Why?

Boy: So i can go around torturing all the kids. It seems like you are having so much fun..

Me: Well.. im honoured to be an inspiration to you...😧

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Well, done! Finally♡

Started 16th Dec 2010

Completed 15th July 2016 (with neck & back ache after working on it for a week)

Now i can go travelling... or shopping for a new jig saw!!

Thursday, March 10, 2016


□Walking up to no alarms on Weekdays (but not for weekends 😕)

â–¡Having breakfast

â–¡Wearing shorts and T-shirt to work

Need to adjust...
â– Waking up before 9am (healthier lifestyle) and taking early afternoon naps

â– Have my coffee while watching some news instead of korean cooking shows

â– Get more shorts and longer ones

â– Cycle more to save on bus fares and time.

Thursday, March 03, 2016

1 year since accomplishing my 2015 resolutions

I was looking back at my previous posts and realised that it has been 1year since i resigned from my job in a prestigous bank. This one year has flew by without me knowing.

Afterall, i served 6 months notice and almost gotten another offer in another position within the company.

Then spent 1 month travelling - 1 wk in Indo and 3wks down under.

My dec was spent ensuring Dad is ok, going for a couple of interviews to which i gotten no offers and applying for more assignments thru agency. Yes, that desperate to be willing to teach 2 lessons for free. I still am. 😂

Now, slightly 6 months since i returned my employee pass. I am still happily unemployed or i should say strugglingly self-employed.

Many many sincere thanks to the dear friends who had many times over the last 1 year gave me treats and refuse to accept my money. I really appreciate all your kindness and i try, with my pea-sized brain to not forget these thoughtful acts. With hope that one day in the near future i can return the favour.

Hope all well ends well and most importantly, WORLD PEACE✌

The creation of Darcy

Dont know why this picture reminds me of the famous Renaissamce art 'The creation of Adam'
👉      👈

Sunday, February 07, 2016

Home is..

Being able to feel him at your feet. Using you as a back support somehow.

Sunday, January 24, 2016


You know your dog is spoilt rotten when you open the door to your room to find him
1. sleeping on your bed
2. with the air-con on and
3. dad accompying him.

Monday, January 11, 2016


Was walking home after tuition this afternoon and it was drizzling. I was hoping that water will not seep into my cheap pair of faux leather loafers. A young lady from SAS walked towards me, drenched, and she smiled. A genuine smile.

How i missed receiving smiles from strangers.

Walked Darcy at quarter to ten and a young lady, say mid to late twenties was walking towards Darcy and me. Dressed like she just returned from a long day of office work and her face confirmed my doubts. It was black, as black as the dress suit she was wearing. I hope she has a better day tomorrow, at work.

That was me, many months ago. With anger in my eyes, all ready to chew off the head of the next person who looks at me.

Im still glad of my decision. Hope this will last. Hope i will last, on receiving 40% of my last drawn.

-The little things in life-