Tuesday, December 15, 2015

4 mths approaching

It is almost 4mths since i was last employed.

Apart frm spending a week in Indonesia, 3 weeks in Australia, i had been spending a lot of time with my parents and Darcy.

Dad hasnt make much noise about me not working yet and mum has been showing more and more concern lately.

Am i ready to step back into the workforce?  And the doubt of will anyone wants me?

Am i suited for the life of a self-employed? And the ability to increase my portfolio?

The monthly paycheck is very tempting but so is the time for myself, my parents and Darcy.

Honestly, i am glad that i am able to spend more time with pa&ma especially during this period where its good to have someone at home. But sometimes the restrictions i set on my expenses are kinda killing me. I want to be able to pay for their taxi rides, nice meals, better quality health products without thinking twice on the price. Its hard. I feel like im back to the UBS days, even then i had more money to play with and things werent so expensive back then.

Trying to tell myself that tmr will be better. Yah right, when im not doing anything today, how will tmr be better?