Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Happy 31st

Finally submitted my photo to make the new IC a few days before deadline. Finally, after being nagged countlessly by numerous people.

The day before d-day, the brillant one sent this at midnight:

And he blames it all on the watch that I bought for him as the date was showing 30. Why didn't he blame it on the person who winds the watch and set the date instead? Indeed its brilliant. ▪_▪

It has always been my policy, as much as I can achieve to not work on this day. This is my day. And its also a policy to chop my passport on this day.

Before I went to bed, I turn off all alarms. Then wake up as I want to. Prepare, watch an episode of the korean drama and went to take the bus to the boarders.

Have lunch at one of my favourite place.

And go shopping. ....

then back to tuition, korean drama and Evening nap.

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Friday, September 26, 2014

Happy 6th anniversary

It has been 6 years since we first met. I still remember when I first lay eyes on you. It was your brother I was considering but you keep coming at me. Your persistent paid off when I finally carry you back to the car.

I have never look back nor regreted my decision. I don't even dare to think about how my last 6 years without you will be like.

Thank you for choosing me. My sweetest darling-ling.

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Sunday, September 07, 2014

The power of technology

Previously, my dad will call me to ask me where am I when we are both at home.

Now, he watsapp me. When we are both at home.

I wonder why he never train Darcy to be the messenger instead.

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Saturday, September 06, 2014

Hoping next year Feb 15, 2015 will be my special day.

Fingers crossed.

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