Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Fresh fruits, banana pratas after dives, beer onboard on the return journey. Awesomeness!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Simple love

Despite having to rush off from work, spend 4hrs waiting at the jetty then endure a tortuous 3hrs boat ride where half the boat was puking at the stern at the end of the journey.

Im loving diving still. Thou im not good at it. Bouyancy sucks, forgot most of the technical stuff and hand sighs. I can't help wanting more.

Saturday, August 10, 2013


失去了东西, 想念那东西

Wish came true

While studying in Melbourne, especially during winter I always wish that I have a dog that will lie on my feet to keep them warm while I work at my desk. Instead I take to wearing thick socks and place my portable heater under the table.

Now, I have my Darcy but I do not need him to keep my feet warm. But the sight of this darling lying beside me while I prepare for my tuition makes everything worthwhile. Best companion.

Monday, August 05, 2013

突然有一股冲动, 想就坐在石椅上抽一根烟。


Saturday, August 03, 2013



Thursday, August 01, 2013


