Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Cheap and loving it

Cheap is good

Cheap and good is awesome

Cheap and awesome is paradise! !

Monday, July 29, 2013


Im neat by nature, untidy by nurture.

Monday, July 22, 2013


感觉怪怪的。为什么会想说话呢? 很烦吗?



Saturday, July 13, 2013


Heh. . After contemplating + procrastinating and then facing some self created IT issue I finally book the tickets at slightly less than $700 (which is the goal I set for myself for this year), flying by my favourite China Eastern (hope it will still be a favourite after this trip). I just love transit flights.

The boss was not that happy that im gg alone, again. Heh. . What to do, I think he needs more time to accept that this girl has no friends and will be forever alone. Yes, he had already asked if I want/need him to introduce some guys to me. Seriously.

Do you think that I can get Hokkaido airtics at $790 for next June?

Monday, July 01, 2013

一人一日行 part 2

Shopped at Pavilion then Ferenhit. Had a yummy coffee at Coffee Stain. The barista is very serious about his coffee. The milk and coffee was in very good proportion and the milk was froth just nice that it makes the latte smooth and silky creamy instead of airy milky.

My cafe latte.

Then walk on to Snowflakes. Yums.

Took a cab to fashion city. Shop. Then cab to Mid valley city.

Had korean food, bulgogi brothers for lunch-dinner. My feet are killing me! !!

Felt like I got stare and sympathised by the fellow diners because im alone. But really, its all good. Gonna admit i receive more attention and better service from the waiters. Heh..

Walk around trying to find the Thai massage shop here but either eyes blind or shop closed. In the end went to Madame Kwan's for dinner. Eat again... Fat die me.

Walk around some more den took the ktm back to kl sentral. Just a stop away but the wait for the train took 40mins.

Finally reach KL Sentral at 10.30pm. The train was late and we finally depart at 11.13pm, reaching Woodlands at 7am.

Showering in the swaying train brings back memories of showering on a boat after diving.