Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Project G

Following the success of the chilli plants. .

We decided to start our chilli plantation.

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Monday, January 28, 2013

Thanks for Popping by. .

With a little tilt, you drop down like a puppet on strings. Your bright personality put a smile on my gloomy face.

It seems so long since we last met. But it was just a month ago.

And then my fav song ATM play.

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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Tuesday, January 22, 2013



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Saturday, January 19, 2013

Rain, raining, still raining. .

Despite the long life rain, from late last night till early morning.
Despite the early flight resulting in super early pick up from home.
Despite the unexpected wake up call that shock up the sleepyhead in me.
Despite not going for my Laos trip.
Despite all these, it is still a wonderful morning!

Cutting past the low lying clouds, it really feels like I'm soaring into the skies as we leave the ground, in style(view from the emergency exit row and the extra legspace *blessed* ).

Prepare for landing. . =D

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Saturday, January 12, 2013

Friday, January 11, 2013


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Thursday, January 10, 2013

Day 4 n 5 - Gyeongju-Busan-Jeju

Woke up, walked to the nearby shops, bought a bun for breakfast then paid krw1500 for admission into Daeruangwon Royal tombs. I walked around the tombs and spent almost 2hrs there, just walking around. I'm not really into history just more into the scenery so dint really pay much attention to the details.

Gyeongju is actually a museum without walls. Hence a lot of places can actually be seen from the other side of the wall but since the admission fees is so low, so why not just take it as a donation to preserving the place. The sad part about all theseshistorical places in Korea is that a lot of the original architectures were destroyed during the period of unrest and hence a lot of the supposedly historical buildings are actually newly built according to records and not really old old buildings that are over hundred years or more. But give the country some credit, at least they value their history and make effort to preserve them.

Outside the royal tombs, I went to the bicycle rental area and wanted to rent a bike because Gyeongju is easily explore on bike. My friend told me it will cost around krw5000 for a one day rental, the nice cute guy at the cafe (only cafe that opens at 11am. I originally want to visit the cafe of the guy who was cleaning his bike the day before for dinner but they were already closed for business at 7pm and this morning@ 10am they were still not open.) who made me a latte w a heart (any guy who can pull a good cup of latte is define as cute) told me krw7000 so when the lady at the bike rental told me 12k, I just walked away. I ended up walking for the next 4hrs.

A restored village (I think!)

What every hse will have for sauces, kimchi n whatnots. Apparently the more jars a hse has the richer the owner are.

Original buildings.

A bridge in process.

A newly built old village

Golden rice fields with blue skies behind me (I dun noe what is tt 月精 thou)

I personally think Oct is a good time to visit Gyeongju due to it's golden fields, good weather for walking and not much tourists around.

Then I walk and walk till I reach the Gyeongju National museum which was free atm but I paid krw3000 for an English hearing guide.

After 2hrs in the meuseum I ask for directions to Bunhwangsa temple. Took the bus there, climb a upslope (@*$#$#*) and I need to walk further in and up to reach the main temple. Worth it? Once is enough I would say. At least for me.

Bus back to the city which although is not filled with high rise buildings like Busan, they still have their faceshop, natural republic and whatnots almost everywhere. Chance upon a ginseng chicken soup restaurant (krw10000)and went in. The taste is actually rather blend. Not like what I thought it will be so this is the one and only time I'm having it in Korea. I shall conserve my stomach for other delicacies. =)

Went for a walk around the city with an ice cream(i just love eating ice cream when its cold!!) and ended up at Holly's cafes to tap into their free wifi. Hee.

I wanted to book my airtic to jeju for the following day but was not able to thru my up so I decided to walk back to my accommodation and use their computers.

The walk back was scary! ! I had to walk thru a dim backalley for 15mins with my other side being the royal tombs I was at earlier that day. All images I can remember from those dramas with scenes of dark alleys started playing in my mind. Trust me. Nothing romantic at all.

Finally reach civilisation. Went to the shop where I bought my bun this morning and bought a can of Korea beer and a cheese stick. Went back, use the comp in the common room, still not able to book my ticks (ahh.. what will be will be lar) then decided to give up ab d return to my room to drink my beer which I left standing at the doorstep. It was still cold when I drink it after my shower. =D kudos to cold weather!

Day 5 Gyeongju-Busan-Jeju

Woke up, check out, with my more than 10kg backpack I walked back to my bibimbap heaven. They were not ready at 10am!! T_T

I left with deep regrets. Took a cab(sgd3.40) to the bus station because I was too depressed to walk anymore. .

Went to I, check for the next bus to Busan and found out that they have buses to Busan airport. Even better for me. Bought bus ticket(krw9000) for the next bus then went to the nearby Twosome cafe for breakfast. .

Latte n scone

Meanwhile I managed to get in touch with the friends support group in Singapore via watsapp and jx managed to book a airtick(sgd56) for me! Yeah! ! Kamsahameda!

I took my bus to airport and with 2hrs to spare, I deposit my backpack at the luggage storage corner and took a train back to the nearest station with lotte shopping center. I had my 1 n only toppoki there, walk around the supermarket and feel like buying so many things back! !

Went back to the airport to check in w my backpack and arrive at jeju at around 5pm. Went to the information center, ask then to book a room for me in jeju city and with the address, took a cab to the city.

I check in then went out to search for dinner! ! After walking past several restaurants I finally decided on this.

Chicken! I wanted to eat at the place but ajuma told me i must order beer. But the beer they sell are all big bottles which I know I will not be able to finish so I decided to take away. Went back to the supermarket near my hotel and bought a bottle of peanut magkoli. Hehehe. .

All these for myself. And yes, I finish the whole box of chicken but not the makoli.

Den remember that I have not done any research for tmr and with no WiFi in the room, I have no choice but to go to the cafe beside the hotel with my flushed cheeks, ordered a hot Citroen tea and try to focus my eyes to book my next day accommodation. X_x

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Monday, January 07, 2013

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Sunday, January 06, 2013

Project G - FAILED

Project G was a failure.

I repotted the Zinnia seedlings that have successfully grow into 5cm tall or more only to see them withered and die over the next 2 weeks. T_T

The Larkspur seeds that I sow didn't even bother to peek out to say hello. Or perhaps I burried them too deep. O_o

Amazingly, the chilil seeds that someone threw into my plot of land seems to be thriving. I repotted 2 and now I find 4 in that small pot. ^_^

I wonder when can I reap the fruits of my labour. Hahaha. .

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So near yet so far

14 days away yet now it seems like far far away.

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Saturday, January 05, 2013

Lesson 18

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Wednesday, January 02, 2013

First day at work. .

7-10am: suai suai suai
10-3pm: stress stress stress
3-7pm: it's not that bad after all =] Yet.

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Tuesday, January 01, 2013

First entry of 2013

心想事成 !

Money HUAT!
Love HUAT!
Work HUAT!
Health HUAT!

Everything HUAT! Everyone HUAT!

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