Sunday, September 30, 2012

Birthdays are..

excuses to catch up with busy friends you miss very much.

Thanks guy. Really appreciate the company and letting me be the self proclaimed queen of the night.

I see light in birthday celebrations again. =]

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11th lesson

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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Friday, September 28, 2012

Bliss is...

Nothing beats a good swim to wash away the negativity and the warm sun shinning down on you.

Am amazed that I can now pay using my easilink card. Wow.. perhaps they should change the doors to those like our MRT, more futuristic.

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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Who am I?!?

I like budget travelling. Not shoestring tight but maybe pretty ribbon types.

I enjoy my occasional little indulgents like latte in a homey cafe, shopping at craft mkts or wholesale mkt.

But at the same time I save on cheap airticks (thou I consult Google n wiki on the credibility of the airlines as well as their crash rates first), budget accommodations (decent bed, clean washroom, nice ppl), public transport(buses and trains and the occasional day tours) and cheap good food.

I prefer backpacks(while my shoulders, back and knee can still endure) to luggage on wheels. I always wish for longer holidays yet always not able to let go of my paychecks.

I felt overrated when ppl call me a backpacker because other than the backpack nothing I do is what a typical backpacker will do.

I felt underrated when people call me a tourist because I'm not like those millions of sheep being herd from point A to B and coming back with a chestful of souvenirs and no remembrance of their journey.

All along, I felt neither here nor there. Until I chance upon this word FLASHPACKER! In short, they are like backpackers but with higher spending power(but still choose to stay at backpackers), shorter travelling time(more than a wk but less than mths) and a bag full of technology ( ex: laptop, ipad, smartphone, dslr, kindle etc).

So here I am, going flashpacking to S.K. wohoo! 8 more days to go and not a day of itinerary done nor accommodation booked and backpack still not borrowed. Super well done. Waiting for dunnowat. Maybe strike lottery .

Note to self: remember to take glucosamine pills daily.

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Happy 4th Anniversary!

And I love you still..

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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Where am I going next??!

Year - Price of air ticket
2011 - $520 (Sing to Kunming)
2012 - $610 ( Sing to S.Korea)
2013 - $ 700 (where.oh.where)

The world is so big and I'm in no hurry to cover all of it at one go. Cuz I believe if I were to cover all parts of the world, I will lose interest in staying alive.

Where can $700 bring me too? Somewhere for me to spend 2 weeks. Somewhere I wanna go. Somewhere different. Where.oh.where?!?

Slightly too early to be thinking of this now.

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Saturday, September 08, 2012

9th lesson

After showing Mr Low the picture that I wanna draw. He brought me the canvas and said this is suitable for contemporary art.

We shall see how in a few months time.

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A very nice phase that I have never hear before. Really like how 4 simple words when put together can form something meaningful.

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Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Simple yet so nice

My latest craze...*_*

Lasse Lindh - I Could Give You Love

Sunday, September 02, 2012


Where can I get a cuppa latte?

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Saturday, September 01, 2012

8th lesson

After 3 months, I'm finally back.

My work desk, disposable palette and the picture I was supposedly to be working on.

The end result

The highlight of the day..

A 15-16yo girl said: Can I ask you a question?
Me: Yes.
The girl: How old are you?
Me: You guess.
The girl: 19?
Me: 29
The girl: huh.. *speechless. Turn back to do her painting and did not speak another word to me for the rest of the lesson*

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