Saturday, December 31, 2011

2012 Re-solutions

Since my previous post, I went to check for my 2011 resolutions and I realised I make none. So I went even more backdate and found out that I didn't have any in 2010! Goodness! Look like I had given up on myself!

Come 2012, I will be different. I will set some resolutions! Monthly resolutions to be exact! Hope this time it will work! Even if not, who cares!

Here goes..

Resolutions for Jan 2012

1. Charge less than $500 to credit cards.
2. Start my tuitions!
3. Exercise at least once a week.
4. Only 1 overseas trip!

Let's see in 1 mth time if this is going to work.

Ohh.. how about some quarterly resols as well!!

1. Only 1 overseas trip for first quarter.
2. Have at least 4 students.
3. Attend tango lessons regularly!

Happy New Year all!

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Sunday, December 25, 2011

On shoes..

Finally the long awaited long weekend is here. 3 whole days of sleeping, slacking, rotting and doing nothing I don't want to do. It's not so much on the festive season, its more on the time spent on myself, Darcy and dad.

I wake up to my Day 1 with coffee and cooking. Then I did some cleaning up in my room and my shoe cupboard. The parents had been nagging at me for months or was it years to tidy up my shoes and I finally did.

Starting with the shoes in the cupboard, those obvious choices that I know I will never wear again, throw. Then was those in the boxes. I opened them 1 by 1, some taking a moment or two to recall when did I buy those and some who instantaneously I know when I bought and where I wore to.

Shoes, to my surprise, could actually evoke a lot of memories.

That pair of 1.5 inches shiny dual straps heels that I wore to my JC prom. That pair of 3 inches skimpy black heels with a crystal buckle that I wore to my Rotaract dinner in my last year in Melbourne. That pair of 2 inches black leather covered shoes that I wore to my graduation. That pair of heels that I wore and walked along Clark quey, boat quey and back and ended up with large blisters on both feet. Yes, memories indeed.

Shoes, on the other hand can also remind you how old you have become - I found 2 pairs of heels that I loved and only wore once or twice and I had forgotten completely about them.

I still remembered my first pair of Charles and Keith's. It was a pair of 1.5 inches platform, white base with light blue straps. I remembered it was love at first sight. I remembered I bought it at CWP, one of the first few branches those days, where the shoes were comfortable and so reasonably priced. Now, their shops are everywhere and their quality and pricing are nowhere like before. Simply said, I can't remember when was the last time I bought something from there although I still like to walk in to check out their design, try on 1 or 2 and still ended up leaving empty handed.

After the cleanup, it got me thinking. Shoes, are they like our lives?

You pay a bit more for a pair of pretty shoes to wear to some major events then you come back, put them back into their boxes and forget about them. Whereas those cheap and comfortable flats, tongs, boat shoes that you wear on a regular basis are put there on display day in day out so you can have easy access to them.

Life is not about major important events that you dress up to attend and then forgotten, its about how you live it that's what makes it important.

The graduation ceremony is not the highlight of your schooling years, its the time you were schooling that matters. The wedding dinner is not what matters most to a couple but how you have walked down this path together and how you will be walking down together that matters.

Maybe important events do play a part. They act as a fullstop to indicate the completion of a particular paragraph of one's life. Then you can start a new paragraph.

Guess I'm thinking too much. Shld start thinking on my resolutions..

Merry Christmas all!

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011




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Monday, December 19, 2011

Seriously feel like crying...

Naggy mum, drenched shoes on a Monday morning do not goes well together.

Worst still, no milk for my morning coffee..

Seriously, anything is able to tip my scales now.

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Sunday, December 18, 2011


More working days to go.

I hope all well will ends well.

Tis e season to be jolly!

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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Friday, December 09, 2011

Birthday 2011

Did I mention that I started my day with a sunrise and closed it with shooting stars.

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Thursday, December 08, 2011

Watching the storm on the 19 floor.

Imagine this..

It's 6pm. Outside, the skies are getting darker. The storm is approx 20km away. There, it had already started to pour.

You see a strike of lightning. Follow by peace. Almost 5 seconds later, you hear the lazy tumbling of thunder.

You sit by the window side, eyes fixed on the storm 20km away, approaching in a slow yet majestic speed. Trying to catch all the lightnings possible but the white apartment building stands towering in the way, right smack in the middle. The rays of the setting sun falls on the white building, turning it pale shiny orangy.

The storm gets nearer and you see faint rainbow at both ends, the rest disappearing into the dark gloomy clouds.

As the storm moves closer, somehow the rainbow becomes clearer. Until a full rainbow is formed over the white building.

This is my moment of bliss.

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Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Snapshot - 东和说


他说: 你很安静,不爱说话。
我说: 比较内向,比较慢热。
他说: 你很强。安静的人,心很强。
我说: 为什么?
他说: 因为什么事都藏在心里,越藏越强。
我说: 是这样吗。

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Tuesday, December 06, 2011


I may have become stingy to some, 斤斤计较 to few and being thrifty to one or two.

But money spent on my parents and darcy will never be too much or over. Because they really are worth every single cents.

And its not that you are not worth it, but you are and should not be my priority. Just hope you know and can understand.

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Friday, December 02, 2011

Last trip for 2011

Waiting at changi T1 for ET. Flying to KL. Once again she is late. At least this time she doesn't need to travel from 1 end to the other end of SG.

This year, although I didnt travel as much as the previous year but I dare say the trips are much more satisfying. Like diving at my first shipwreck, with mantas in the cold, like getting my wish of being at somewhere with blue skies, cool fresh air and bright sunlight in Oct, like travelling alone and surviving thru it, it makes me believe in myself more. Also, whenever in doubt, just ask.

Luckily my next trip is not too far off. But where will I be gg next aft the next trip? Thinking, thinking, thinking...

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