Tuesday, September 28, 2010

twenties girl

20yrs old is twenty.

21, 22, 23 fall under early twenties.

24, 25, 26 fall under mid twenties.

27, 28, 29 fall under late twenties.

30 is thirty.

Hence i can conclude tt im in my mid twenties STILL.

Unlike the old ladies around me who are in their LATE twenties. Oh.. i feel so damn young!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

coffee bean @ ion on a sunday aftnoon

OHere im, waiting for a friend to go for a free yoga lesson at true yoga in town. Aft coming out of the train station, i exit to ion and heads for ion only to find myself at wheellock. (reckon its a sign tt i need to go for my massage!) I backtrack and by luck choose the correct esclator to coffee bean. No matter how many times i've been here, i will still lose my way here. I wonder if theres any gps app for ion.

So, aft finishing my cleo maz, i still have time to spare so i decided to update this blog. FINALLY!

Follow up frm last entry, i was on medical leave frm monday till thurs. It was the first time i took so long to recover frm fever. Scarry shit! But at least im still sane. My aircon broke down on wed thou. Think it was killed by my virus. RIP. It was a good 15yrs. My dad went to buy a brand new aircon, exact same brand for me. No comments. It was a difficult 2 nites w no aircon. I woke up in sweat every few hrs despite having 2 standing fans pointing directly at me. I'm nw prayg for GOOD weather for tt 1 nite in a air con-less room when we are in chiang rai else et is nt gg to get any sleep... im so sure.

Earlier today, a friend ask me which row to choose for a cathay flight. And will back row be good. I wonder if he's rubbing salt into my wound as i mostly fly budget n has no experience w cathay air. To me it doesnt matter where u sit unless its the first row or by e emergency exit. Also what matters most is whos sitting around you rather than where u sit. I dun like long legged angmos, bawling babies and kicking toodlers. The rest are mostly fine.

Well, gg for yoga n haircut.