Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Hey, try to read my title out as loud and as fast as you can. Seriously, try it..

Dun you feel happier now that you have done so? =D

Anyway, does anyone of you notice my little voting booth on the right of my blog ===>
I know 1 does. Thats all. Sadded. After 1.5wks, only 1 person notice. Thanks so much!
The others, thanks for ignoring me! =(

Was searching up the meaning of soulmate just now. Heres' wat i got from

"One of two persons compatible with each other in disposition, point of view, or sensitivity."

In short, just someone who can understand you very well. It doenst have to be your married half, nor the one you loves most. It's just the one who understand you most.

Have you found your soulmate?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Can u belive that such barbaric acts are actually taking place?

Read here too.

Monday, August 17, 2009

a bad bad BAD bad dayy

if u noe me well enough u will know tt i loves chocolates.. all things chocoty..

but why does a chocolate lover like me cant find any chocolate to eat aft searching the kitchen uncontinuously for the past 3 hrs.

Think its time to stock up!!!!!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

i'm still alive...

cause i'm chomping down Cadbury's Dairy Milk Duo n drowning in Meiji's Chocolate Milk.

yes.. u can check out my outbreak..

i wanted to weight myself tonite, but the weighing machine wasnt working. Think no batt.



i was watching some tw talkshow just now and there was a Dr dunnoewho talking about the 5 symptoms of you yu zhen (depressions),
1/ eating too much or too little
2/ sleeping too much or too little
3/ exercising too much or too little
4/ bad memory
5/ having suicidal thoughts

why do i feel tt i have a friend who has the first 4 symptoms?


Thursday, August 06, 2009

Yanting is so exhausted she wonders if she can last another day(friday -_-).. and another day(saturday ~_~)... and another day(sunday ~_~ !!) ... and another week (. . . . ......... *Hint: think of this as a hearbeat*)

I need some motivational power to last me for the next 7 days!!!!

NZ ..ermm.. a bit long

National Day holiday... ermm.. i might need to work

massage.. ermmm.. i just went last wkend

Royce... ermmm.. any nice kind soul????